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How many women has Kirk kissed/slept with?

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provided one of the women that you see on the list (Deela).

provided about 96% of the women that you see on the list and grouped them into categories. He also inspired the direction of some of Luther Sloan's wording within his post, too.

provided 1 of the women on the list (Antonia).

A Beaker Full of Death:
confirmed that Ruth probably slept with Kirk.

Memory Alpha:
provided about 80% of the facts and figures.

Luther Sloan (Me):
provided 20% of additional wording or facts. He also, slightly re-categorized the list, numbered them, and came up with a new total. Furthermore, he contributed 4 women on the list (Miramanee, Carol Marcus, Gillian Taylor, and Gaila). In addition he saved, resized, and uploaded the images, as well.

Google Images and Photobucket:
actually provided and hosted the actual images for Luther Sloan.

Provided the forums of which Christopher & Luther Sloan's posts on Kirk's conquests was able to exist for the public eye to see in the first place.
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Actually Luther Sloan (Me) was trying to point out that it was Memory Alpha that provided the majority of the thoughts and words within Luther Sloan's post. That's why there was an additional post in breaking it down to explain it that way.
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And people wonder why Trekkies can't get laid. :rolleyes:

Squabbling over stupidities like this.

If guys had acted like that around me when I was young, I'd have been like "later!" and I AM a Trekkie.
And people wonder why Trekkies can't get laid. Squabbling over stupidities like this.
If guys had acted like that around me when I was young, I'd have been like "later!" and I AM a Trekkie.


There is nothing wrong with pointing out the truth. Even in a minor or petty issue. I have been raised to believe that no topic should be shied away from if it can lead to something positive or good.

Also, I am not on a first time date with a girl, either. I am on forum. This is not a dating site or a place to pick up girls. At least I don't think it is. I am here to talk Trek. If someone gives me poop or an attitude I am going to either stand up for myself or ignore their stupidity (depending on the discussion).

So revealing the truth or standing up for myself on a forum has no real bearing on how I act in the real world. Comparing the two is like comparing chocolate with dirt.

Besides, I am a kind and caring guy who is already in a committed relationship with a loving woman. I also think my girl and I look quite attractive, too. Not to be boastful or anything. We also don't get caught up on the little things, either. We are just laid back and cool with one another.

In other words, if someone attacks me. I will defend myself or ignore them. If someone praises or compliments me. I will do the same in kind. There just seems to be a lot of unneeded hostility going on here (when their is a better way to handle it then insult people or make fun of them).

In my opinion that has never been the Star Trek or Starfleet way.

So please don't take this the wrong way. I actually want to make peace and not war with you or anyone.


And people wonder why Trekkies can't get laid. Squabbling over stupidities like this.
If guys had acted like that around me when I was young, I'd have been like "later!" and I AM a Trekkie.


There is nothing wrong with pointing out the truth. Even in a minor or petty issue. I have been raised to believe that no topic should be shied away from if it can lead to something positive or good.

Also, I am not on a first time date with a girl, either. I am on forum. This is not a dating site or a place to pick up girls. At least I don't think it is. I am here to talk Trek. If someone gives me poop or an attitude I am going to either stand up for myself or ignore their stupidity (depending on the discussion).

So revealing the truth or standing up for myself on a forum has no real bearing on how I act in the real world. Comparing the two is like comparing chocolate with dirt.

Besides, I am a kind and caring guy who is already in a committed relationship with a loving woman. I also think my girl and I look quite attractive, too. Not to be boastful or anything. We also don't get caught up on the little things, either. We are just laid back and cool with one another.

In other words, if someone attacks me. I will defend myself or ignore them. If someone praises or compliments me. I will do the same in kind. There just seems to be a lot of unneeded hostility going on here (when their is a better way to handle it then insult people or make fun of them).

In my opinion that has never been the Star Trek or Starfleet way.

So please don't take this the wrong way. I actually want to make peace and not war with you or anyone.


I think you just affirmed her point.
If Janice Lester kissed Arthur Coleman while inhabiting Kirk's body, does that count towards Kirk's kissing record?

And does Kirk holding hands with Spock in the corridor while in Lester's body count towards Kirk's hand holding record?
If Janice Lester kissed Arthur Coleman while inhabiting Kirk's body, does that count towards Kirk's kissing record?

And does Kirk holding hands with Spock in the corridor while in Lester's body count towards Kirk's hand holding record?
Eewww! :eek:
I think you just affirmed her point.

Warped 9:

No, I proved just the opposite if you actually read between the lines within my post. Also, I was telling the truth. There is nothing wrong with that. But you and her can believe whatever you want.

Anyways, lets get back on topic please. This thread is not about what would turn off a woman on a forum versus real life.

If Janice Lester kissed Arthur Coleman while inhabiting Kirk's body, does that count towards Kirk's kissing record? And does Kirk holding hands with Spock in the corridor while in Lester's body count towards Kirk's hand holding record?


Yeah, sorry. I would personally say no to that (even if it did happen). Kirk wouldn't be Kirk if he didn't have both his mind and his body.

In fact, just in case you were wondering: I simply included the Kirk from the other alternate time line because it is essentially the same Kirk we know of from the Prime time line but with a slightly different history.

But that's just me.
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From my late, lamented AOL webpage:

The Truth About Captain Kirk:

Time to nip this "Kirk got laid every week" nonsense in the bud.

We'll take this one episode at a time (we'll skip "The Cage" since Kirk wasn't even in that one), always asking the question, "Did Kirk get lucky?":

"Where No Man Has Gone Before" Within the story itself, nope. Brief reference to a "little blonde lab technician" way back at the Academy, later assumed to be Carol Marcus.

"The Corbomite Maneuver" Nope. In fact, Yeoman Rand seems to annoy him more than anything else.

"Mudd's Women" No. Eve pursues Kirk, Kirk doesn't accept, Eve takes up with Ben Childress.

"The Enemy Within" Close, but no cigar. His "dark half" attempted to rape Janice Rand, and ultimately failed in that, but since that really wasn't "our" Kirk, it doesn't count.

"The Man Trap" Nope, this was McCoy's turn at bat.

"The Naked Time" Despite admitting his deeply buried feelings for Janice Rand, he pretty much confirms what he said in "The Corbomite Maneuver", that he already has a female in his life and she's named Enterprise.

"Charlie X" Nope.

"Balance of Terror" Nope.

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Passes made at the android Andrea were more along the lines of trying to disrupt Corby's perfect little world so he could attempt an escape, and nothing really happened anyway, so, in the end, nope. Most of the romantic fires were being stoked between Nurse Chapel and Corby.

"Dagger of the Mind" Initially, Kirk wanted nothing to do with Helen Noel. The frequently referenced Science Lab Christmas party only yields that the two of them danced and he talked about the stars. End of story on that end. Only after Dr. Adams takes Helen's innocent fantasy suggestion and induces strong romantic passions into Kirk's mind do we see any sparks, which only results in Kirk spouting off like a bad romance novel, until he's reminded that these feelings are the result of Adams' influence, at which point he's able to reassert control. So, basically, close but no cigar.

"Miri" Miri develops a crush on Kirk. Rand bemoans that Kirk never pays any attention to her legs. Kirk's too busy trying to save everyone's lives, including the other children, to even think about a roll in the hay. Nope.

"The Conscience of the King" Flirting and some kissing on the observation deck with Lenore, that's it, and it's debatable whether or not he was simply trying to get closer to Karidian. And since she turned out to be the killer of all those survivors, it was doomed anyway. This one goes as a "not really."

"The Galileo Seven" Get real.

"Court-Martial" Within the story itself, nope, except for that final kiss on the bridge. Areel Shaw had a relationship with Kirk "four years, seven months, and an odd number of days" ago, so this reference doesn't really count.

"The Menagerie" Only one extremely vague reference to Lt. Helen Johanssen ("She only mentioned that she knew you, sir") is the only thing close in this one.

"Shore Leave" Another one from the past, Ruth, apparently from back in his Academy days or thereabouts. Doesn't seem that much really happened within the story itself, unless you count her showing up again at the end (17 episodes in and we finally might actually have Kirk getting lucky? Not a good average for an alleged womanizer....)

"The Squire of Gothos" Hardly.

"Arena" I think Uhura was the only female in the whole bloody episode....

"The Alternative Factor" Nope.

"Tomorrow is Yesterday" Nope.

"The Return of the Archons" Nope.

"A Taste of Armageddon" Not even close.

"Space Seed" Khan got all the action in this one.

"This Side of Paradise" Spock's turn.

"The Devil in the Dark" Only female in the whole thing was the Horta. Nope.

"Errand of Mercy" 1st Klingon episode. Nope.

"The City on the Edge of Forever" Ah, yes, Edith Keeler. This was true love, kids. However, to set history straight, she had to die. Thus, the crux of the story. Whether or not Kirk got lucky is dependent on how easy you think Edith was (remember, she was an idealistic social worker, so how likely is it that she'd hop into bed with this handsome stranger?), so it's debatable how far this relationship actually went.

"Operation: Annihilate!" Nope.

That's 28 episodes so far, and by my count, Kirk got lucky, during the course of the series to this point, maybe twice. Second season, folks?

"Catspaw" The romantic action in this one lasted less than one scene, once Sylvia discovered that Kirk was only using her to save his men. Have to say "nope" on this one.

"Metamorphasis" Nope.

"Friday's Child" Nope.

"Who Mourns For Adonais?" Romantic tension was between Lt. Carolyn Polamas, Scotty, and Apollo. Kirk was strictly business.

"Amok Time" Nope.

"The Doomsday Machine" You must be kidding.

"Wolf In the Fold" He didn't even get a chance to hit on that waitress before Scotty was possessed by Redjac and knifed her. Nope.

"The Changeling" Puh-leeze....

"The Apple" Nope. That was Chekov getting hot with that yeoman.

"Mirror, Mirror" Marlena was the alternate Kirk's woman, and you have to play the cards you're dealt, right? Besides, nothing happened besides a very passionate kiss (too busy trying to prevent the Halkans from being wiped out, getting assassinated by their own crew, and somehow getting home).

"The Deadly Years" Another one from the past (Janet, "six years, four months, and an odd number of days" ago), with no action within the episode itself. Nope.

"I, Mudd" Nope.

"The Trouble With Tribbles" Nope.

"Bread And Circuses" Okay, we've got that slave girl, Drusilla. We now have our, maybe, third time in 43 episodes.

"Journey to Babel" Nope. Too busy bleeding.

"A Private Little War" Although Nona tried, with the help of the Mako root, that Mugato came along and interrupted things, so, in the end, nope.

"The Gamesters of Triskelion" I was about to say "probably yes" on this one, but then I remembered that Provider One had not yet selected a mate for Shanna, and even though Kirk was definitely in the running, he certainly wouldn't be allowed to jump the gun, so this one never really got going. Nope, sorry, Shanna.

"Obsession" Nope.

"The Immunity Syndrome" Nope.

"A Piece of the Action" Nope. Shoulder massage from Krako's moll doesn't count.

"By Any Other Name" Never did get beyond making out with Kelinda in the lounge, and that was done primarily to both distract Kelinda and drive Rojan completely nuts with jealousy. Doesn't really count.

"Return To Tomorrow" Sargon kissing Thelassa while in Kirk's and Mulhall's bodies, respectively, most certainly does not count.

"Patterns of Force" Nope.

"The Ultimate Computer" Not unless you count what Starfleet tried to do to Kirk careerwise.

"The Omega Glory" Nope.

"Assignment: Earth" Uh-uh.

So far, two seasons, 55 episodes, possibly three times, and only one of those can we point to with any degree of certainty ("Bread And Circuses").

Third Season...

"Spectre of the Gun" Nope. Chekov was getting close, though.

"Elaan of Troyius" Maybe. He was in her quarters a loooong time. We'll count this one as confirmed just for argument's sake (that makes two out of a possible four so far)

"The Paradise Syndrome" Well, Miramanee was pregnant, so that pretty much ends that discussion. Up to five, with only three confirmed.

"The Enterprise Incident" Nope. Now, as for Spock, that's another argument....

"And The Children Shall Lead" Nope.

"Spock's Brain" Didn't even hit on anybody.

"Is There In Truth No Beauty?" Tried to distract Dr. Jones with a walk in the arboretum, but that was it.

"The Empath" Nope. Too busy getting tortured.

"The Tholian Web" He was barely in this one.

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" Nope. McCoy, on the other hand, almost assuredly did (about time, too....)

"Day of the Dove" Nope.

"Plato's Stepchildren" Kirk being telekinetically forced to kiss Uhura doesn't even remotely count (especially when, if you look closely, their lips never really meet; that was the compromise position reached when it was time to film this scene, so they could have a way out in case of a backlash).

"Wink of an Eye" Now this one is another confirmed instance (We see Kirk sitting on the bed, putting his boots back on, while Deela is busy brushing her hair; it's still a mystery how this one slipped by the censors). We are now up to six possible, with four confirmed.

"That Which Survives" Nope. As for what Losira did to the Enterprise, well....

"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" Nope.

"Whom Gods Destroy" Not exactly. Marta certainly was doing good at getting Kirk's interest up, until she pulled that knife on him. Kinda puts an end to things, doncha think?

"The Mark of Gideon" Yeah, I'll give ya this one, although I'm not willing to call this one confirmed. Kirk and Odonna certainly weren't leaving the bridge arm-in-arm to go check the antimatter flow regulators. That makes seven possible, four confirmed.

"The Lights of Zetar" Nope.

"The Cloud Minders" Nope.

"The Way To Eden" Even with a bunch of hippies on board, nope. Kirk was just too square, baby.

"Requiem For Methuselah" Hmm. I don't think this one ever progressed to the physical stage, if only because Kirk was too busy with the Enterprise crew being sick, so this gets a close, but not close enough.

"The Savage Curtain" Nope.

"All Our Yesterdays" Kirk, nope. Spock, yeah, baby, YEAH!!

"Turnabout Intruder" Maybe way back when Kirk and Janice Lester were dating, but within the story, nope.

So, out of 79 episodes, we have only seven possible instances, and only four of those can we count as confirmed.

Now, can we finally leave this horse buried?
From my late, lamented AOL webpage:

The Truth About Captain Kirk:

Time to nip this "Kirk got laid every week" nonsense in the bud.

We'll take this one episode at a time (we'll skip "The Cage" since Kirk wasn't even in that one), always asking the question, "Did Kirk get lucky?":

"Where No Man Has Gone Before" Within the story itself, nope. Brief reference to a "little blonde lab technician" way back at the Academy, later assumed to be Carol Marcus.

"The Corbomite Maneuver" Nope. In fact, Yeoman Rand seems to annoy him more than anything else.

"Mudd's Women" No. Eve pursues Kirk, Kirk doesn't accept, Eve takes up with Ben Childress.

"The Enemy Within" Close, but no cigar. His "dark half" attempted to rape Janice Rand, and ultimately failed in that, but since that really wasn't "our" Kirk, it doesn't count.

"The Man Trap" Nope, this was McCoy's turn at bat.

"The Naked Time" Despite admitting his deeply buried feelings for Janice Rand, he pretty much confirms what he said in "The Corbomite Maneuver", that he already has a female in his life and she's named Enterprise.

"Charlie X" Nope.

"Balance of Terror" Nope.

"What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Passes made at the android Andrea were more along the lines of trying to disrupt Corby's perfect little world so he could attempt an escape, and nothing really happened anyway, so, in the end, nope. Most of the romantic fires were being stoked between Nurse Chapel and Corby.

"Dagger of the Mind" Initially, Kirk wanted nothing to do with Helen Noel. The frequently referenced Science Lab Christmas party only yields that the two of them danced and he talked about the stars. End of story on that end. Only after Dr. Adams takes Helen's innocent fantasy suggestion and induces strong romantic passions into Kirk's mind do we see any sparks, which only results in Kirk spouting off like a bad romance novel, until he's reminded that these feelings are the result of Adams' influence, at which point he's able to reassert control. So, basically, close but no cigar.

"Miri" Miri develops a crush on Kirk. Rand bemoans that Kirk never pays any attention to her legs. Kirk's too busy trying to save everyone's lives, including the other children, to even think about a roll in the hay. Nope.

"The Conscience of the King" Flirting and some kissing on the observation deck with Lenore, that's it, and it's debatable whether or not he was simply trying to get closer to Karidian. And since she turned out to be the killer of all those survivors, it was doomed anyway. This one goes as a "not really."

"The Galileo Seven" Get real.

"Court-Martial" Within the story itself, nope, except for that final kiss on the bridge. Areel Shaw had a relationship with Kirk "four years, seven months, and an odd number of days" ago, so this reference doesn't really count.

"The Menagerie" Only one extremely vague reference to Lt. Helen Johanssen ("She only mentioned that she knew you, sir") is the only thing close in this one.

"Shore Leave" Another one from the past, Ruth, apparently from back in his Academy days or thereabouts. Doesn't seem that much really happened within the story itself, unless you count her showing up again at the end (17 episodes in and we finally might actually have Kirk getting lucky? Not a good average for an alleged womanizer....)

"The Squire of Gothos" Hardly.

"Arena" I think Uhura was the only female in the whole bloody episode....

"The Alternative Factor" Nope.

"Tomorrow is Yesterday" Nope.

"The Return of the Archons" Nope.

"A Taste of Armageddon" Not even close.

"Space Seed" Khan got all the action in this one.

"This Side of Paradise" Spock's turn.

"The Devil in the Dark" Only female in the whole thing was the Horta. Nope.

"Errand of Mercy" 1st Klingon episode. Nope.

"The City on the Edge of Forever" Ah, yes, Edith Keeler. This was true love, kids. However, to set history straight, she had to die. Thus, the crux of the story. Whether or not Kirk got lucky is dependent on how easy you think Edith was (remember, she was an idealistic social worker, so how likely is it that she'd hop into bed with this handsome stranger?), so it's debatable how far this relationship actually went.

"Operation: Annihilate!" Nope.

That's 28 episodes so far, and by my count, Kirk got lucky, during the course of the series to this point, maybe twice. Second season, folks?

"Catspaw" The romantic action in this one lasted less than one scene, once Sylvia discovered that Kirk was only using her to save his men. Have to say "nope" on this one.

"Metamorphasis" Nope.

"Friday's Child" Nope.

"Who Mourns For Adonais?" Romantic tension was between Lt. Carolyn Polamas, Scotty, and Apollo. Kirk was strictly business.

"Amok Time" Nope.

"The Doomsday Machine" You must be kidding.

"Wolf In the Fold" He didn't even get a chance to hit on that waitress before Scotty was possessed by Redjac and knifed her. Nope.

"The Changeling" Puh-leeze....

"The Apple" Nope. That was Chekov getting hot with that yeoman.

"Mirror, Mirror" Marlena was the alternate Kirk's woman, and you have to play the cards you're dealt, right? Besides, nothing happened besides a very passionate kiss (too busy trying to prevent the Halkans from being wiped out, getting assassinated by their own crew, and somehow getting home).

"The Deadly Years" Another one from the past (Janet, "six years, four months, and an odd number of days" ago), with no action within the episode itself. Nope.

"I, Mudd" Nope.

"The Trouble With Tribbles" Nope.

"Bread And Circuses" Okay, we've got that slave girl, Drusilla. We now have our, maybe, third time in 43 episodes.

"Journey to Babel" Nope. Too busy bleeding.

"A Private Little War" Although Nona tried, with the help of the Mako root, that Mugato came along and interrupted things, so, in the end, nope.

"The Gamesters of Triskelion" I was about to say "probably yes" on this one, but then I remembered that Provider One had not yet selected a mate for Shanna, and even though Kirk was definitely in the running, he certainly wouldn't be allowed to jump the gun, so this one never really got going. Nope, sorry, Shanna.

"Obsession" Nope.

"The Immunity Syndrome" Nope.

"A Piece of the Action" Nope. Shoulder massage from Krako's moll doesn't count.

"By Any Other Name" Never did get beyond making out with Kelinda in the lounge, and that was done primarily to both distract Kelinda and drive Rojan completely nuts with jealousy. Doesn't really count.

"Return To Tomorrow" Sargon kissing Thelassa while in Kirk's and Mulhall's bodies, respectively, most certainly does not count.

"Patterns of Force" Nope.

"The Ultimate Computer" Not unless you count what Starfleet tried to do to Kirk careerwise.

"The Omega Glory" Nope.

"Assignment: Earth" Uh-uh.

So far, two seasons, 55 episodes, possibly three times, and only one of those can we point to with any degree of certainty ("Bread And Circuses").

Third Season...

"Spectre of the Gun" Nope. Chekov was getting close, though.

"Elaan of Troyius" Maybe. He was in her quarters a loooong time. We'll count this one as confirmed just for argument's sake (that makes two out of a possible four so far)

"The Paradise Syndrome" Well, Miramanee was pregnant, so that pretty much ends that discussion. Up to five, with only three confirmed.

"The Enterprise Incident" Nope. Now, as for Spock, that's another argument....

"And The Children Shall Lead" Nope.

"Spock's Brain" Didn't even hit on anybody.

"Is There In Truth No Beauty?" Tried to distract Dr. Jones with a walk in the arboretum, but that was it.

"The Empath" Nope. Too busy getting tortured.

"The Tholian Web" He was barely in this one.

"For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" Nope. McCoy, on the other hand, almost assuredly did (about time, too....)

"Day of the Dove" Nope.

"Plato's Stepchildren" Kirk being telekinetically forced to kiss Uhura doesn't even remotely count (especially when, if you look closely, their lips never really meet; that was the compromise position reached when it was time to film this scene, so they could have a way out in case of a backlash).

"Wink of an Eye" Now this one is another confirmed instance (We see Kirk sitting on the bed, putting his boots back on, while Deela is busy brushing her hair; it's still a mystery how this one slipped by the censors). We are now up to six possible, with four confirmed.

"That Which Survives" Nope. As for what Losira did to the Enterprise, well....

"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" Nope.

"Whom Gods Destroy" Not exactly. Marta certainly was doing good at getting Kirk's interest up, until she pulled that knife on him. Kinda puts an end to things, doncha think?

"The Mark of Gideon" Yeah, I'll give ya this one, although I'm not willing to call this one confirmed. Kirk and Odonna certainly weren't leaving the bridge arm-in-arm to go check the antimatter flow regulators. That makes seven possible, four confirmed.

"The Lights of Zetar" Nope.

"The Cloud Minders" Nope.

"The Way To Eden" Even with a bunch of hippies on board, nope. Kirk was just too square, baby.

"Requiem For Methuselah" Hmm. I don't think this one ever progressed to the physical stage, if only because Kirk was too busy with the Enterprise crew being sick, so this gets a close, but not close enough.

"The Savage Curtain" Nope.

"All Our Yesterdays" Kirk, nope. Spock, yeah, baby, YEAH!!

"Turnabout Intruder" Maybe way back when Kirk and Janice Lester were dating, but within the story, nope.

So, out of 79 episodes, we have only seven possible instances, and only four of those can we count as confirmed.

Now, can we finally leave this horse buried?

Smart money says "no". ;)
I keep hearing the statement that Kirk has slept with about every alien female in the galaxy. However, I never actually seen him crawling out from underneath the sheets with any women with a cigarette or anything. On the other hand, he has kissed quite a few ladies on the show, though.

I was just wondering how many times Kirk has actually kissed, and or slept (even implied) with various women within the TV series and films.

I mean, I should know this answer. But I am a bit rusty when it comes to certain details on occasion.

Anyways, any or all help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



three. at the most, four.
three. at the most, four.
Three confirmed onscreen (Drusilla, Miramanee, Deela), but I'm sure there was more because he was about to go (together with Bones and Scotty) looking for women on the planet at the end of Wolf In the Fold, and I'm pretty sure that they weren't looking to make conversation with them. Then there are 4 or 5 "possibly maybes" (Lenore, Elaan...), keeping in mind the 1960s TV censorship. We also got to meet 3 of his former lovers in the show (plus one in the movies) and had one or two mentioned (depending on whether Ruth was a lover or just someone he had a crush on).

That's hardly an incredibly high number for a single guy in his 30s. I am guessing that the legend about Kirk sleeping with a woman in every episode came to be because there were quite a few episodes in which Kirk flirts with a woman/kisses a woman, for whatever reason, especially in seasons 2 and 3. Kirk wasn't portrayed as a womanizer, but he was portrayed as a guy who is irresistible to many women. Still, hardly to all the women in TOS, and in fact Spock, McCoy, Scotty and Chekov got a good deal of romance as well. Kirk seemed particularly irresistible to various alien women and human women who didn't serve on Enterprise, while, interestingly, apart from Rand no other woman serving on Enterprise ever showed any romantic interest in him, usually preferring Spock or villains of the week, occasionally some other male crewmember like Bones or Chekov. ;)
Kirk seemed particularly irresistible to various alien women and human women who didn't serve on Enterprise, while, interestingly, apart from Rand no other woman serving on Enterprise ever showed any romantic interest in him, usually preferring Spock or villains of the week, occasionally some other male crewmember like Bones or Chekov. ;)

Apart from Dr Helen Noel but originally she was going to be Rand and they back-pedalled because they thought the episode would bring the frisson between Kirk and Rand too out in the open too early on.
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