Should they bring back Janeway?

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by F. King Daniel, Apr 7, 2010.


Bring back Janeway?

Poll closed May 7, 2010.
  1. Bring her back

    151 vote(s)
  2. Keep her dead

    113 vote(s)
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  1. chelly

    chelly Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 28, 2007
    Didn't Futurama do that one time, or was it just the TOS and TNG guys?
  2. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    You mean have Kate Mulgrew's head appear on the show? No, just the TOS cast and Jonathan Frakes.
  3. Dayton Ward

    Dayton Ward Word Pusher Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2000
    "Yes! Front row!"
  4. Joel_Kirk

    Joel_Kirk Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 16, 2009
    In the Joel Zone, identifying as Sexually Fluid.
  5. langdonboom

    langdonboom Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Nov 22, 2009
    Yes, of course they should bring her back! And Data, and every other character that was killed off to generate some easy pathos/drama -- and my reasoning is simple:

    I read Star Trek to see the continuing adventures of these characters, not to see them die and then not read about them anymore! Anyone who doesn't like Janeway can not read a book with her in it, but if she's dead, people who like the character are deprived of seeing her further adventures.

    Same for Data -- I get so much more from reading about how he interacts with new and interesting situations in his Starfleet career than just remembering how sad and meaningful his death was. And I loved how PD tortured and killed Janeway, it was such a great "whumping" type experience to put her through, but that book is done, I had that experience, and so now I want to see what Janeway does with the Typhon pact, with the new trip to the Delta Quadrent, and any number of current Starfleet story lines.

    So yes, bring her back.
  6. Hamilton

    Hamilton Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Nov 13, 2009
    I think the poll should've had an option for people who don't care either way.

    Also, instead of bringing Janeway back from the dead, they could do a book on her travels with Lady Q.
  7. chelly

    chelly Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 28, 2007
    I like Hamilton's idea. I don't read the books just because one character is in it, nor do I stop if a character has died. I read the books to read about all the characters that I like or even dislike. I never felt that Janeway was the main reason that made Voyager great it was all the characters that made it great.

    I do apologize if my words start something.
  8. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    Another interesting idea. However, if they did this, I would prefer that Janeway not have/not be able to have any contact with her former crew. It would be better dramatically if the crew were unaware of her continued existance in any form and continued their own adventures.

    ETA: Wow. almost 50 posts into a "Janeway's dead" thread, and things are still civil. Whodathunk?
  9. Garm Bel Iblis

    Garm Bel Iblis Commodore

    Oct 22, 2009
    Des Moines, IA
    We can change that.... LYNCH MOB BOARDING UP FOR Peter David's house!
  10. JoeP

    JoeP Captain Captain

    Mar 9, 2004
    The Mighty Dominion of Canada
    You mean The Lovely Bones-like?? Could be good, I think!
  11. Brefugee

    Brefugee No longer living the Irish dream. Premium Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    It's an idea, although would she occupy the body of Seven or another female so she can "have" Chakotay?
  12. Hamilton

    Hamilton Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Nov 13, 2009

    So creepy... though, the interplay between Seven and Janeway in Seven's head could be epic. :techman:
  13. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    It's a way to lose her "gross mom butt".
  14. Admiral James Kirk

    Admiral James Kirk Writer Admiral

    Feb 5, 2001
    Tucson, AZ
    And it's a way for her to gain gross tonnage in her breasts. :D
  15. Julio Angel Ortiz

    Julio Angel Ortiz Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 6, 2004
    Pennsylvania, USA
    By the end of Season Seven, you'll be powerbombing something onto the "Kill" button.

    Which is part of what made Voyager so frustrating... It had the richest potential of any Trek series and instead, IMHO, for the most part languished in mediocrity.
  16. Brit

    Brit Captain Captain

    Aug 29, 2008
    Simply bring her back. There are tons of stories to tell and people lined up to read them. Killing her was a bad move.

  17. RonG

    RonG Captain Captain

    Dec 21, 2007
    Fluidic Space
    Why aren't there a ton of stories to tell with the *new* setting? What difference does it make if Janeway's there or not?
  18. Judith Sisko

    Judith Sisko Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 2, 2002
    Keep her dead, but tell an occasional story from when she was alive.
  19. RonG

    RonG Captain Captain

    Dec 21, 2007
    Fluidic Space
    this :techman:

    stories from the TV series era (or even post-series, but pre-BD) are sure to satisfy Janeway fans while still keeping the "current" direction intact.
  20. Brit

    Brit Captain Captain

    Aug 29, 2008
    Because we want the stories to include Janeway, a character we know and love, not someone "new" that is only a pale imitation.

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