Lost 4x09: "The Shape of Things to Come"

Discussion in 'Lost' started by Agent Richard07, Apr 24, 2008.


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  1. Excellent

  2. Above Average

  3. Average

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

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  1. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Ayers Rock is supposed to be one of the 'Vile Vortices'. This isn't an in-show thing but a real life conspiracy/fantasy theory which happens to synch up to some aspects of the show. Apparently the Tunisia location where Ben and the polar bear transport to is one of the vortices or something.


    Err, never mind, there isn't one in Austrailia. But in a podcast one of the writers said something Ayers Rock being important as a joke. Something like that.
  2. PsychoPere

    PsychoPere Vice Admiral Premium Member

    May 25, 2002
    Claire lived (and was presumably born) there. She is Christian Shepherd's illegitimate daughter, remember.

    Hurley went there to speak to a man who had experience with the numbers.

    Bernard took Rose there to try to cure her cancer.

    Charlie's brother was living there.

    Sawyer killed a man there.

    Jack's father died there.

    Ana-Lucia traveled there with Christian.

    Kate was captured by the marshal there.

    Locke was supposed to go on a walkabout there.

    Mr. Eko went there to investigate rumors of a resurrection.

    Sayid performed a mission there for the CIA to get information about Nadia.

    And lots more, I'm sure, that I can't recall at the moment.

    EDIT: In fact, read Australia in Lost at Lostpedia for a great chart.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  3. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    Well, it could be the illness that Rousseau said the rest of her team got. Of course, Ben just said she was a crazy woman, so who knows if that was really true.

    Well, Ben said he used Desmond's boat (although teleportation seems more likely at this point).
  4. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    Shannon was there with her boyfriend.

    Boone went to "rescue" Shannon (and get laid...eeewwww...).

    Nikki and Paulo...I don't even remember or care.
  5. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    The Vortices are consistent with Damon Lindelof's statement regarding Tunisia that "there are certain special places on the earth that relate to the show and this spot is one of them" (...although he did also mention the non-Vile Vortex Ayers Rock). (Official Lost Podcast/February 28, 2008)
  6. PsychoPere

    PsychoPere Vice Admiral Premium Member

    May 25, 2002
    They were there to steal diamonds from that television show director.
  7. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    TV Show/steal diamonds
  8. Geck

    Geck Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2000
    Sydney, Australia
    Well yeah, I know all those, but they're just the reasons why they were in Australia to board the plane in the first place. I don't really consider that any sort of significance to the country itself. It was just the backstories of the characters that somehow needed to bring them to Australia to board the plane.

    If I fly to France and back, there are gonna be a few hundred people on the plane with me, all travelling for different reasons. It doesn't mean that France is somehow crucially important in the overriding mythology of all our lives.
  9. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Another thought: Ben appears in the desert with only a billy club. Why not a gun? Because Orchid Teleportation follows Terminator Time Travel Rules: no machinery can go through. I'd bet you we didn't see him wearing a wristwatch either.
  10. label

    label Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 7, 2000
    Yep, I did. I was just talking with a friend about it....makes me think that the Orchid station is how Ben gets off the island and that it will play a role in the upcoming Season 4 episodes.
  11. PsychoPere

    PsychoPere Vice Admiral Premium Member

    May 25, 2002
    Fair point, but I think the fact that so many of the main characters made mutual acquaintances while there may spell something a bit more interesting for Australia.
  12. auntiehill

    auntiehill The Blooness Premium Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    on the couch
    HOLY :censored::censored: SHIT.

    Yeah, I give this one an excellent.

    So much going on here. I loved the fake-out intro---very clever.
    So Ben DOES have some control over the smoke monster, there ARE underground passages, the island IS in a different timeline than the rest of the world, and Ben CAN teleport off the island.

    I am DEFINITELY going to have to watch that again.
  13. Adm. Bonz

    Adm. Bonz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001

    This show is amazing. Ben rules. Hurley, Sayid, Sawyer, Bernard! All great scenes.

    The Smoke Monster! :bolian: Wow!
  14. Elemental

    Elemental Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2003
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Maybe I missed something, but what in this episode gave us the idea that Ben could teleport off the island??
  15. Arrqh

    Arrqh Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2004
    Gosh. I gave it an excellent. And... that's all I've got.
  16. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    I have to give this an Excellent. Just complete awesomeness all around. Too bad about Faraday lying to the Beach camp, I thought he was cool.
  17. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    So three redshirts die; is that supposed to represent everyone else on the compound died too or they managed to run off somewhere and we'll never see them again?

    And after Ben kills psycho merc, he needs to sing, "They-re gonna hang me in the morning, A'fore this night is done; They're gonna hang me in the mornin', And I'll never see the sun."

    Also, with the JJ Abrams connection, we now know how humans developed the transporter. :)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  18. label

    label Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 7, 2000
    The fact that ben wakes up in the middle of a desert in a winter parka with a look of total shock on his face and he doesn't the know the date or even year for sure..............?
  19. Mitty

    Mitty Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 21, 2000
    Excuse my french, but sweet holey fucking Shittery on a stick that was Fucking brilliant. I didn't think this show could get any better than "The Constant", but here we have it staring us in the face. I have to watch that again, maybe several times.

    The teleporting... as soon as I saw that I high fived myself, that was a beautiful reveal, even if it wasn't technically a "reveal". But it's basically a foregone conclusion now, but we still need the mechanics and limitations which it obviously has. And the whole Ben with Desmond's boat was obviously a smoke screen simply because telling Sayid the truth would have been a ridiculous idea, even if Ben wanted to.

    The invasion of the barracks... Claire survived that explosion for a reason. The island knew it wasn't her time. I'm convinced now that even though Aaron gets off the island, Claire will survive.

    Smokey... Smokey, Smokey. Even though I had read he was returning, it literally shocked me and I found myself cheering for him. Have you noticed every time we see smokey we see more and more of him? Can't wait for more!

    Poor Sayid, for Nadia... and poor Alex. That was sad. I really want to know what these "rules" are.

    And then that scene of pure brilliance with Widmore. Finally I don't see Jim Robinson any more. He's Charles Widmore now. That was fucking beautiful.

    And Ben... you can't kill Penny. We all love her to much, even though we've hardly seen her, really.

    So, where is Penny that Ben can't find her? And why can't Widmore find the island now?

    I can't wait for these answers.
  20. gh4chiefs

    gh4chiefs Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2001
    Jefferson City, MO
    It's not a mystery illness, they told you what it was in the promo for next week's show. I'd already figured out what it was but only because it's the standard cliche medical emergency for TV shows.

    Ah, somebody else picked up on that. I was wondering why the coat myself. Just where did Ben come from? Or is the sahara desert cool in October? I honestly don't know.