Jadzia or Ezri?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' started by apenpaap, May 10, 2009.


Jadzia or Ezri?

  1. Jadzia

    127 vote(s)
  2. Ezri

    96 vote(s)
  1. Too Much Fun

    Too Much Fun Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2009
    They most certainly were not fine psychologically until Ezri showed up. They were probably the most psychologically screwed up crew of any Star Trek series, especially compared to TNG, where there were far fewer conflicts between the crew because they all got along so well most of the time. And I almost laughed at the line, "Ezri shows up and Sisko goes nuts". How many times did we see Sisko go crazy in the first six seasons? Too many times to count! That's why many of us (including myself) have criticized Brooks' performance for being too over-the-top sometimes - it's not just the actor's fault, because there were just so many scenes where he had to act like he was having a temper tantrum or a nervous breakdown and that's hard for any actor to pull off!
  2. Jono

    Jono Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2001
    ^ DS9 did have a counsellor at least for some of the time until Erzi turned up, in "Hard Time" O'Brien had weekly sessions with one.

    As for conflict between the crew on DS9, TNG didn't have two senior officers on the E-D that were not in Starfleet.
  3. Bisz

    Bisz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 20, 1999
    Ontario, Canada

    PTRACER Lieutenant Red Shirt

    May 18, 2009
    Ezri is my preferred Dax, but I never liked the character too much anyway. The one thing that annoys me about Ezri is the nervous snigger she did at the end of most sentences.

    I don't know whether Nicole De Boer was just a poorish actress or whether this was something she did intentionally for the character, but it is definitely annoying.
  5. euphorik

    euphorik Captain Captain

    Apr 25, 2005
    the floor
  6. Zeppster

    Zeppster Commodore Commodore

    Apr 2, 2006
    I just don't see how anyone can like anything about Ezri. I don't get it. She's okay looking, not that great. She wasn't that well written. I would have liked it if they somehow brought Jadzia back from the dead instead of writing someone like Ezri.
  7. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    I just don't see how someone can not like something about Ezri. I don't get it. She's looking great, not just okay. She was very well written. I'm glad they didn't somehow bring Jadzia back from the dead and wrote someone like Ezri instead.
  8. Zeppster

    Zeppster Commodore Commodore

    Apr 2, 2006
    Ezri is easily the worst main character in Star Trek history not on Enterprise or Voyager.
  9. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    Well, the thing is, something like this is nothing more or less than you personal opinion anyway. It's just your opinion who's a good actor. It's just your opinion who's attractive. It's just your opinion which character is well-written. Those are not fixed values. It's all a matter of personal preference, really. Which is what I tried to point out with my earlier take on your post. Stating your opinion as fact doesn't make it more valid, you know.
  10. Zeppster

    Zeppster Commodore Commodore

    Apr 2, 2006
    I don't know anything about her acting ability, I just found the character totally meaningless when she was in a show. She had no reason for being in a show for the entire time she was there.
  11. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    What was the meaning of the other main characters? What was their reason to be on the show?
  12. Bisz

    Bisz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 20, 1999
    Ontario, Canada
    The irony is that a lot of people say that about Jadzia, she was easily the least necessary of the main characters in S1-6. I found the character to be at all times either useless, boring, or annoying, sometimes all three at once.
  13. Zeppster

    Zeppster Commodore Commodore

    Apr 2, 2006
    I disagree she was a much stronger character and often helped Sisko.
  14. Bisz

    Bisz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 20, 1999
    Ontario, Canada
    I disagree. She often gave Sisko bad advice which I'm glad he didn't follow. Like the time she told him to find Jake and drag him home for dinner, when all the boy was doing was helping Nog learn how to read. Sisko would have been better off without her.
  15. BigFoot

    BigFoot Admiral Admiral

    Sep 27, 2001
    Slovenia (EU)
  16. Too Much Fun

    Too Much Fun Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2009
    I don't like where this thread is going. :( To brighten up the Ezri talk on this page, I'd just like to state that I'm watching season 7 for the first time and I consistently find her to be the best part of every episode (which is similar to how I felt about Jadzia, especially in the early seasons). I find watching what she says or does in reaction to the situations in the episodes makes them a lot more interesting, which again is something I felt about Jadzia, so it's safe to say that I feel the transition from one Dax to another on the show has been handled about as well as it possibly could be.
  17. Jono

    Jono Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2001
    Completely agree. That said I'm not opposed to having a Dax return I just feel that it would have been better if it was on a limited basis, say one or two episodes for them to sort out some issues and then he or she moves on like a Trill should.
  18. Blue_Trek

    Blue_Trek Captain Captain

    Mar 7, 2009
    Jadzia, better looking IMO
  19. Basill

    Basill Captain Captain

    Oct 30, 2004
    Ezri was a nice likable character, and an interesting (albeit forced) experiment in some of the more extenuating circumstances of joining, which I think helped expand the Trill culture even more.

    But Jadzia Dax was one of my favorite Star Trek characters EVER, and after 6 years, a single season just isn't enough to tip the scales for me. Jadzia all the way. :D
  20. Astraea

    Astraea Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 26, 2008
    Buried under a pile of work.
    I haven't voted on this, partially because I want to say, "well, it depends..."

    I don't think we got enough time with Ezri on screen for a fair comparison with Jadzia. Jadzia had some terrible episodes, particularly when they wanted to shoehorn an idea onto a character (for example, "Let's do Brigadoon in space!" turned into "Meridian"), but in general, I thought she was a lot of fun.

    As for Ezri, I didn't like the Ezri/Bashir arc, which turned out to be a huge part of her single season on DS9. But I really like the direction they've taken Ezri in TrekLit, and I wish we could've seen more of her development over a couple of seasons, rather than trying to fit her in at the end when there wasn't really a lot of time to be introducing a new character.