What's so great about Firefly?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Mach5, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Captain Captain

    Dec 11, 2008
    Then I guess American Idol is the best TV show ever made?

    You do realize Firefly was not even aired in its entirety, and it was aired out of order. If you watch the whole show you'll realize there are a lot of subtle jokes and dialogue that refer to prior episodes. It was a showkiller to move the episodes around like that.
  2. FreezeC77

    FreezeC77 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    I agree somewhat with this unless the 'episode you sampled' happens to be horrible compared to the pilot and makes you uninterested in the series.

    I can think of some episodes of the x-files which were dreadful so if that was the first episode someone watched when they got told to check out the x-files I could see them passing on the series.

    BTW, I think the opposite is true here as well. Sometimes the pilot is bad and makes you give up on a show. I know I never watched Babylon 5 after the pilot. Then I caught an episode rebroadcast late at night during the Shadow War arc and was interested and watched the show from then on. Still really don't like the first season of it.
  3. 1001001

    1001001 Serial Canon Violator Moderator

    Nov 3, 2001
    Undisclosed Fortified Compound
    And the follow-up, Trash, is wonderful too.

    We can say we knew Christina Hendricks (AKA YoSaffBridge) way back when....


  4. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Mal: "Ship like this, be with you 'til the day you die."
    Zoe: "'Cause it's a deathtrap."
  5. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    I did mention that, yeah.
  6. Bishop76

    Bishop76 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Apr 7, 2009
    Yeah, it's a pretty perfect show that never got a fair shake, IMO. Serenity was really awesome too. It's well worth a watch. I personally was hooked from the moment in Train Job where Mal is trying to return Niska's money to his henchmen. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I'd say if you get 4 episodes in and still don't love it, then it's not for you.
  7. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    Yeah but you were still considering on watching it anyway before you asked folks online. So you techically already made the choice, you just wanted you choice supported.

    For what it's worth.
    I liked Serenity but wasn't impressed at all with Firefly.
    So I support why FOX cancelled it.
  8. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    I'm sure the execs at FOX appreciate the "support." :lol:
  9. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
  10. Bishop76

    Bishop76 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Apr 7, 2009
    How do you like Serenity but not Firefly? They're really not that far removed from one another...
  11. infinix

    infinix Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 16, 2011
    East Coast
    I loved the hidden attraction and sexual tension between Mal and Inara. I love the one crew vs. the world theme. I love the humor and the dialogue and the character interactions.

    This was as good a show as could be.
  12. Greg Cox

    Greg Cox Admiral Premium Member

    May 12, 2004
    Lancaster, PA
    Great characters, brilliant dialogue, terrific humor . . . .

    What's not to like?
  13. Yeoman Randi

    Yeoman Randi Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2009
    In a handbasket
    Skiffy? Googling didn't help. I'll be checking in to the nearest nursing home later today.

    I can't answer that other than to say i've watched Serenity more than a few times and love it each and every time. Probably love it MORE everytime. I haven't gotten all the way through Firefly. I think i may have stopped at about 8 or 9 episodes. I DO have to give it another try, because that sometimes happens to me. I don't like shows on the first go 'round but then find something the second time that grabs me.
  14. Mistral

    Mistral Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 5, 2007
    Between the candle and the flame
    I have never enjoyed any other Whedon vehicle.
    I passed on this BECAUSE of Buffy, which I found moronic and cheesy.
    I caught a Skiffy marathon while sick right at the pilot and spent the day glued to the tv.
    I think it stands on its own merits.
    Characters that are smart-but not too smart at times.
    A sly sense of humor.
    Excellent cast chemistry.
    Beautifully imagined world-building-fresh and different.
    It's a well-composed show all the more impressive for the depth is exhibited in a single, 13 episode season, IMO.
  15. Yeoman Randi

    Yeoman Randi Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2009
    In a handbasket
    To paraphrase:

    SKIFFY AND SKIFFY! What is skiffy???
  16. Saquist

    Saquist Commodore

    Jun 22, 2009
    Starbase Houston

    I have to agree...I've not watched much of the show but I did like Serentity...That was kewl but I didn't see the pull of the series at all.
  17. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    I found the pacing of the show to be very slow, due to that both times I've tried to sit thought the series I found myself to bored to care. Senerity on the other hand being only a one shot film, had to explain the entire series in one shot. So he had to tell everything quickly, which IMO gave Serenity more action & a much faster pace. Plus I don't expect adults that have just been on the loosing side of a civil war to have such an immature sense of humor.
  18. M'rk son of Mogh

    M'rk son of Mogh Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2001
    Ontario, Canada
  19. ManOnTheWave

    ManOnTheWave Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 10, 2005
    On one hand, I loved the cast, the characters, and the dialogue. On the other, I liked that someone basically remade Star Wars from the point of view of Han Solo and kept the late 70s vibe as much as possible. Some of the wardrobe, plot elements, camera lens choices, etc. made it feel like it should have been on my to watch list between Quincy and The Rockford Files.

    But if you don't like it, or you don't get it, well, there you go.
  20. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Good and best are subjective. Not everyone finds the same things entertaining. Popularity is quantifiable by tickets, viewership and dollars.

    If you like singing competitions featuring amateurs and semi professionals being critqued by music pros, then American Idol is "good" and the "best" thing on TV. That a large amount of people feel this way makes it popular.

    As for Firefly. I was entertained, so it was good show.