The "Photoshop Trek" thread is back!

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by KyleCHaight, May 12, 2007.

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  1. Warped9

    Warped9 Admiral Admiral

    Aug 3, 2003
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Now this one rocks! :thumbsup:

    Disposing of an intruder/imposter in our universe. Our Starfleet does not tolerate incompetents. :lol:
  2. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I thought they promoted them to Commodore.

    And its Star Fleet damn it!!!! ;)
  3. cultcross

    cultcross Postponed for the snooker Moderator

    Jul 27, 2001
    They're brilliant! specially love that over shoulder shot of the main viewer, could be straight out of the show.

    oh, i want FC with the E-D now. :(
  4. Captain Gandalf

    Captain Gandalf Commodore Commodore

    Apr 12, 2005
    I agree. Flux Capacitor did a great job! Kudos!
    Here are seven more :







  5. tharpdevenport

    tharpdevenport Admiral Admiral

    Thank you Flux Capacitor! I love that Enterprise D stuff. :D
  6. captcalhoun

    captcalhoun Admiral Admiral

    Apr 29, 2005
    that FC/E-D stuff is very impressive, particularly the motion-blur pass over the Defiant, and the exploding cube shot, but those first two really look off to me... sorry. and WTF is that in the E-D over the sun? on the right...
  7. Arpy

    Arpy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    THe round thing in the shot against the sun is part of the Phoenix's window.

    I agree the E-D looks off and, aside from the CG model being used, it's due to the FC lighting and coloring and whatnot, and also the ship's positioning...the scenes where shot with eh E-E model in mind, so seeing the images above, you're really seeing the "story" of the E with the "visage" of the D.

    All that aside, my God what fantastic work, Flux Capacitor! I just wuv seeing the D and you've created a real treat.

    My favorite pics are #'s 4,6, and 7, with 1 & 9 as honorable mentions.
  8. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Here's one I did for one of Naraht's P/C threads last spring.


    Just did this one :)
  9. Squiggy

    Squiggy FrozenToad Admiral

    Jul 5, 2006
    Left Bank
    What if they kept the colors the same in TNG?

  10. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    Data looks badass in red.
  11. captcalhoun

    captcalhoun Admiral Admiral

    Apr 29, 2005
    he wore red in Future Imperfect.

    worf and geordi started out ini red.

    Frakes wore mustard in Second Chances as Tom

    Picard's worn red and blue, but not mustard...
  12. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    Yep. Data also wore red in Chain of Command.
  13. starburst

    starburst Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 8, 2007
    How about a version with Data in science blue, like is rumoured to been one of the original ideas.
  14. K-Star

    K-Star Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 12, 2007
    I think I might be able to do that, or I'd at least like to try making it.... Same pic?

    EDIT: Here. Done. Hope the original poster doesn't mind me using the same pic.

    Ogrebear and Phoenix219 like this.
  15. KyleCHaight

    KyleCHaight Commodore Commodore

    Jul 25, 2003
    Kingsville, Ontario
    Here's another of Data in a blue tunic. I tried to duplicate the same colour as the uniform worn by Geordi's dad in "Interface"; that sort of greenish-blue type colour.

    Data looks okay in the TNG/DS9 uniform with the blue, but, the "First Contact" uniform in blue doesn't work, I don't think.



  16. Classic Fan

    Classic Fan Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2003
    Tardis library
    Coooooool, i love the Ent D stuff, especially the motion blur with the 'tough little ship', fantastic!

    And even Data and the helmsperson in movie/DS9 uniforms at the stations, i like....!

    Heres more from my archives...

    First, lets start with a laugh, shall we...

    Carl Spock and his associates...

    (This one is my fave of mine) The Enterprise, as it appears, under the command of Carl Spock....

    Heres the original schematic that is behind spock and Kirk in my other post. Shame because the way the manip turned out, the best stuff in the manip is covered....:

    And heres the full manip with the schematic...:

    Now, lets have a couple of serious manips i just found lurking on my hardrive...

    This is a capture from ST:TMP. The enterprise is in Spacedock in this shot, so i removed all of the drydock and re-numbered the ship as the Constitution 1700. Placed it in orbit of earth. I originally intended to put the TOS 1701 in the distance, the story wouldve been the new proto-type refit Connie is dispatched to escort Kirk and co for the refit etc.

    This is a cap from Charlie X. Now, i cant see why this cant be any old rec-deck scene as it features no obvious clues as to the episode, so, i placed the rec deck on the outer left edge of the saucer, circled in red:

    Rec-deck, left side of saucer. Enterprise orbits planet:
    Gary Mitchell likes this.
  17. K-Star

    K-Star Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 12, 2007
    If I may ask... did you try getting the color right yourself or did you use a dropper tool to pick up the color off another uniform? Just wondering. I used the dropper tool on Beverly's uniform in the group pic to get the color for Data's unform there. Very nice job, btw.
  18. KyleCHaight

    KyleCHaight Commodore Commodore

    Jul 25, 2003
    Kingsville, Ontario
    Just judged it by eye.
  19. Captain Gandalf

    Captain Gandalf Commodore Commodore

    Apr 12, 2005
    OK, here are a few more from my archive...







  20. cultcross

    cultcross Postponed for the snooker Moderator

    Jul 27, 2001
    ^ haha that last one's genius. good old picard :lol:
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