The First Interracial Kiss on (American) Television

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by Maurice, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Well, I've lived in Japan and have known a variety of folks who are Asian and I can't say I've noticed the up vs down thing. Though I have noticed a variety of eye shapes among all Asians that doesn't breakdown to Japanese up and Chinese down. The "slant". IIRC, comes from the epicanthic fold.
  2. Tribble Herder

    Tribble Herder Lieutenant Commander

    Apr 17, 2012
    If the property of the interned Japanese had been held in trust, pending the person in question being cleared of any suspicion, and let them go back to their farms, businesses, etc., history might have been a bit more kind and the scars might not run so deep in those who were interred. But just opening it all up for a massive land grab just made a distasteful exercise (but arguably necessary, due to the nature of the threat and the state of our domestic intelligence capability at the time) that much more repugnant.
  3. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    ^^^Arguably unnecessary.
  4. Tribble Herder

    Tribble Herder Lieutenant Commander

    Apr 17, 2012
    The case can be made either way for some version of the internment, especially since, at the time, the FBI had no Asian agents, and thus no way to quietly find out who was a loyal American and who was a Japanese agent.

    Most of the real crap was what happened around the internment, like families losing property that had been theirs for generations, and the conditions of the camps themselves being pretty atrocious, but in concept, the case can be made that the interment program itself may have been a necessary evil for the greater good of the war effort.
  5. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    The internment was overreaction, plain and simple: damning citizens and non alike, and at its core utterly racist. The true ugliness of the event was really driven home to me when I visited Manzanar last year.
  6. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    When I was a kid, the local variation on that schoolyard joke was “Japanese . . . Chinese . . . California smog eyes!”
  7. Tribble Herder

    Tribble Herder Lieutenant Commander

    Apr 17, 2012
    You're looking at from modern sensibilities and around seventy years of hindsight.

    Things looked a lot different when Pearl Harbor was still burning.