Starfleet Academy spy photos at AICN

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Cranston, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. STIntergalactic

    STIntergalactic Captain Captain

    Jun 20, 2006
    I think I saw Shatner in there.
  2. T'Bonz

    T'Bonz Romulan Curmudgeon Administrator

    Apr 1, 2000
    Across the Neutral Zone
    My assumption is that in the movie, it will be a flying car.

    Go put on some looser shorts, m'okay? It's just a make-believe show.

  3. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    I think tingly is a good word to describe how I'm feeling right about now. :D

  4. Chaos Descending

    Chaos Descending Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 2001
    Grand Canyon State
    Would you say the same thing if it were a Toyota Corolla with CA plates in those shots?
  5. Cranston

    Cranston Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 15, 2005
    Right here. But where are you?
    Not to speak for T'Bonz, but I'd say no -- because there's a clear difference. 99% of the audience isn't going to have a clue that this is a real, contemporary automobile. It doesn't look much at all like a car of today, and appears clearly to have been designed with a retro-futuristic aesthetic -- one that meshes beautifully with Star Trek.

    As for the Corolla, every single person in the audience would think something along the lines of "what's my neighbor's car doing on Star Trek"?
  6. Chaos Descending

    Chaos Descending Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 2001
    Grand Canyon State
    I get your point, but I contend that the car is not a prop for the movie, and won't be seen in the film. If you look at the spy pics, it's clearly well out of the way of all the "action", as it were. In other words, it's clearly "backstage".

    I wouldn't be surprised if it were, in fact, J.J. Abrams' own POV.
  7. Tralah

    Tralah Wasting Time Until May 2009 Fleet Captain

    Dec 14, 2004
    Fear the Sombrerofiant!
    I'm not liking the colors at all, but they'll possibly look a lot better when filmed and produced for the movie. Hopefully, I'll be so engaged in the story, that I won't really be playing that close attention to what they're wearing anyway.
  8. Devon

    Devon Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 5, 2005

    I normally would agree with this... but I want to offer this from TrekMovie, from a question I asked someone who was apparently there on shoot.
    Regarding the Car being out of view.. if you notice, it's actually plugged in and getting charged apparently.

    Also, I'd like to point you to this which is interesting.


    It shows that same car now on a sidewalk, with plenty of people surrounding it and even what appears to be a camera hovering over it. That link also shows a few other pictures with this car now in plain-view and on the sidewalk.

    It is interesting none the less if it is true that it might be in the shots, TrekMovie reported possible product placement, maybe this could be part of that?
  9. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    :lol: I like the comments on this site. So much for the supposed mass appeal of Star Trek.
    :lol: Nice pics though.
  10. ChristopherPike

    ChristopherPike Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 13, 2006
    So many red shirts, so little time... :devil:
  11. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    I actually had to step outside to laugh my ass off when one of the posters on that forum had this pic on there:


    I still can't stop laughing when I look at it. I can look at it no more!
  12. Balthier the Great

    Balthier the Great Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 24, 2007

    I'm more partial to this one.
  13. Woulfe

    Woulfe Commodore Commodore

    Feb 18, 2005
    3rd Rock From The Sun
    Agree 100%

    After all Los Angles looks nothing like Sanfrancisco , right ?

    ILM will just do up a 23rd century Sanfran in the background and no one will ever suspect they shot it in LA at all ;)

    Well, except those of us who care about this sorta thing.
  14. Dan_Crout

    Dan_Crout Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 3, 2006
    Posted this over at Trekmovie, but I'll drop it here:

    Was at the university Monday, didn't see much of the set, got a close up look at the uniforms:


    The uniform isn't completely red: There are all sorts of highlight stripes and lines on it.

    Skirts are tailored to individuals, but they're all basically mid-thigh. Some women had fitted slacks.

    Age range looked to be 20 - 25 for cadets


    These were the gray uniforms, some with hats, with the delta on the chest. Looked more like a broach or clasp, higher up on the chest. These folks had slacks and waist-length jackets.

    Age range looked to be 25 - 30. Possibly low ranking starfleet officers?


    These folks had tunics. They look gray in the photos, but they're actually a black/silver pattern, similar to the pattern Romulans have worn (there's somebody in this thread who's avatar is a TOS romulan: That's the pattern).

    These folks were generally between 35 - 50. The male costumes included an interesting hat, like a naval officers hat, but a black plastic hollow frame and visor with a magenta or crimson fabric crown.


    These uniforms appear black in the pictures, but are actually dark green, with pants tucked into boots and an arm patch with an eagle or bird on it.

    I saw two aliens, both from the rear, both in cadet uniforms. Both aliens were full-head prosthetics, one a mottled gray (another person at the university who saw the set itself thought the coloring was blue-gray: I was watching the extras in pretty heavy shade, he was looking at them out in full afternoon sunlight). The head was shaped like a duck-billed dinosaur, with a tapered skull.

    The second alien was pink/flesh-colored, with an enlarged cranium and two smaller "craniums" coming out the sides.

    Didn't see any of the shoot. Caught a glimpse of a setup in the morning taking place on the steps of the university library. The were shooting with a crane as two characters walked down the stairs. Our vantage point was several hundred feet away at the end of the quad as our tour was led around the shoot.

    Heard a lot more in the afternoon as I camped out behind the set near the extras tent with a book and pretended to read. Listened to the assistant director (he had a scottish accent, so I figure it wasn't JJ ;) ) give the crowd instructions to go about their business, then react with alarm to something happening high up in the sky and rush to a specific point (couldn't see if they were rushing towards or away from what they saw in the sky).

    That's pretty much it.

  15. ancient

    ancient Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 5, 2005
    United States
    In an attempt to avoid actual work, I’ve gone through and tried to get a look at all the different uniforms. There seems to be 4 groups, which I cut out of the AICN pics: (I see Dan's post, he sees 4 groups too, so I guess I didn't overlook anyone)
    Red: (Cadets?)
    Men: All red shirt & pants, optional small red hat. No insignia
    Woman: All red skirt or pants with separate shirt, opens in the middle. No insignia. Optional hat also.

    Black: (Security?)
    Men: Long dark shirt, pants tucked into higher boots in a more military fashion, Belt, insignia on the arm, and optional hat. A real Imperial officer vibe.
    Women: None that I can see.

    Grey (Senior Officer or instructor?):
    Men: White collar, long grey jacket with no insignia. Jacket seems to fold over in the front. Much larger hat.
    Women: Big hat, white collar, long grey shirt with belt, some sort of flap or decoration all the way down the sleeve. Jacket flap on the front. Long skirt, red/grey hat, grey shoes.

    Dark Grey: (Officer?)
    Men/Women: All grey with insignia on shirt and hat. No belt. Hat optional.

    Of course, It’s hard to tell anything from these, but they all seem much more military.
    And what the hell is this thing?
    Space needle?
  16. Samuel T. Cogley

    Samuel T. Cogley Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 7, 2001
    Hold still, Jim.
    There... are... FOUR... GROUPS!
  17. Dan_Crout

    Dan_Crout Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 3, 2006
    ^^^ I got a look at that antenna thing (sans antenna) the next day when they were breaking down the sets. It's apparently set dressing obscuring an electrical switching box. I didn't touch it, but another poster noted it was wood. I noticed only two small decals on it, one a non-LCARS interface "screen", the other "SFA 122.8".

    The cadet uniforms also have some kind of "year pip" or perhaps another insignia on their collars. Wasn't close enough to get a real good look.

  18. ancient

    ancient Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 5, 2005
    United States
    RE: SAM

    You're wrong, THE SHAT is the fifth group.
  19. Samuel T. Cogley

    Samuel T. Cogley Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 7, 2001
    Hold still, Jim.
    Star Fleet Academy?

    So Fucking Awesome?

    Stupid Frakking Antenna?
  20. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    I hope we don't have to go there again. ;)