Relaunch prose body font? (not cover/titles)

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by chrinFinity, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. chrinFinity

    chrinFinity Captain Captain

    Mar 24, 2005
    Could anyone give info on what the typeface font is in the relaunch novels?

    To be clear, not cover or logo or spine fonts, but rather the font you read the text on the pages themselves. Thanks!
  2. chrinFinity

    chrinFinity Captain Captain

    Mar 24, 2005
    Never mind, I dug into an ePub and inspected it myself. It's Adobe Garamond (AGaramondPro).
    DEWLine and Tosk like this.
  3. hbquikcomjamesl

    hbquikcomjamesl Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 6, 2006
    Orange County, CA
    Garamond tends to be an easy face to spot, whether it's the Adobe version, or URW, or Linotype, or ATF, or ITC, or Ludlow. Look for a narrow lowercase "a" with a slightly small bowl, and a narrow capital "J" that goes all the way down to the descender line.

    SoftMaker URW Garamond (or more often, my own variant thereof, with non-lining digits and a true small-cap font replacing bold italics) is my workhorse in Xerox Ventura Publisher (and well worth the time I spent manually importing it, building the non-lining/small cap variant family); Ludlow Garamond is a workhorse at the International Printing Museum.
  4. chrinFinity

    chrinFinity Captain Captain

    Mar 24, 2005
    Intriguing. How is that licensed? Can it be used in commercial work? Asking for a friend
  5. hbquikcomjamesl

    hbquikcomjamesl Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 6, 2006
    Orange County, CA
    I seriously doubt that SoftMaker is still around and selling digital type. And no, even assuming that's the case, I'm not going to stomp on their copyright by distributing my own variant.

    Sorry. But there are plenty of other Garamond digital fonts around, in a variety of formats, both proprietary and free.

    And Ludlow Garamond is of course a hot metal font (as is Linotype Garamond). While the IPM might have some for sale, you'd need a Ludlow Typograph (or a Linotype or Intertype, for Linotype Garamond) to cast slugs from it. Of course, if slugs are what you need, send us your copy, and we'd probably be able to cast them for you, for a small fee, plus shipping. But unless you're planning on printing something by letterpress, they're probably not what you're after.