Pick the best book from each series

Discussion in 'Trek Literature' started by Star Treks, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Thrawn

    Thrawn Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Washington, DC
    ^ This may seem odd, but I never watched DS9 either (just enough to know basically who the characters were, and some vague sense of The Dominion) and I picked up Avatar in the bookstore one day to discover that it started with a remarkably detailed timeline of everything in the show. Which was so cool, that I just kept reading, and got all the way through the first dozen or so relaunch books before I felt like it was even vaguely a problem that I'd never seen the show.

    What I'm saying is, you should read the DS9 relaunch anyway, because it's awesome. Or at least that you should consider it.
  2. BigFoot

    BigFoot Admiral Admiral

    Sep 27, 2001
    Slovenia (EU)
    ^ You two should both watch the show. ;)
  3. Mistral

    Mistral Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 5, 2007
    Between the candle and the flame
    a little OT but if you like those 3 books try Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams.
  4. Thrawn

    Thrawn Rear Admiral Premium Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Washington, DC
    I'm working on it :)

    I'm actually watching it in a way I've never watched any other shows; I know most of the surprises, so watching it all in order produces a lot of anticlimaxes and useless buildup, so I'm picking the themes I love and watching them all in a row.

    Like, all the episodes about Odo's past. Then, all the episodes about Bashir's character development. Then, all the Mirror Universe episodes. Etc. Right now, I'm watching the Section 31 episodes.

    It's an interesting way to watch a large body of TV episodes; you pick up all sorts of thematic parallels and stuff. Good times, and I get to skip all the filler episodes, and the long run of episodes that slowly revealed more and more about the Dominion, since I know it all already.
  5. Sxottlan

    Sxottlan Commodore Commodore

    May 7, 2001
    Stealing Lu Bu's Horse
    Let's see:

    TOS: Cloak
    TNG: Vendetta
    DS9: Avatar
    VOY: Full Circle (I guess)
    ENT: None
    SCE: I'd say Interphase even after all these years.
    Vanguard: Harbinger
    Titan: Orion's Hounds
    Gorkon: Diplomatic Implausibility if it counted
    NF: Once Burned
    Stargazer: Oblivion
    MU: Sorrow of Empire
    Challenger: er, Challenger