Ongoing Community Discussion Thread

And don't forget that he left that party at his old job because he realized the people he used to consider his friends were a bunch of jerks, and he'd started to care for the study group as actual friends.

And he actually busted his strict four-year plan so he could take Anthropology with the rest of the group.
Yep. They're just like any group of friends that have disagreements and the occasional fight or debate with one another (you should see my inner circle and how much we bitch with each other about stuff). I guess I'm disagreeing with the poster vehemently.
Yep. They're just like any group of friends that have disagreements and the occasional fight or debate with one another (you should see my inner circle and how much we bitch with each other about stuff). I guess I'm disagreeing with the poster vehemently.

Heh, maybe.

I guess I'm just used to getting along with the people I choose to spend my time with, and not punching them out as they try to ruin our happiness. :)
Fair enough. Truthfully there does seem to be a lot of unresolved tension within the group. Annie and Jeff haven't really resolved their thing with each other yet, the writers obviously want to play this out as much as possible, I just hope it doesn't turn into a soap opera type thing. Britta and Jeff bicker at each other because of their egos, they're pretty much the most egocentric members of the group. Shirley buries her feelings I think and this is the source of her superiority complex. We've seen glimpses of her breakdown over the course of just this season alone. Abed had his emotional breakdown over Christmas :) Pierce is going through his own inner demons right now. Yeah I'm confident that this is all just part of an overall plan from Hammon and his writers right now.
I hope you're right!
I hope this is just a rough patch (for me) that will be resolved with that overall plan you're talking about. As I really do enjoy this show and still look forward to it every week!

I'm just one of those people who likes the optimism in things over the negative and cynical (why I probably love TNG so much, but couldn't get into the new Battlestar Galactica, as much as I tried and wanted to!)
Can probably tell my enthusiasm for the show in my posts. So far haven't really been disappointed by an episode yet.
I still find Chang funny, though it seems to me that the writers don't really know what to do with him.
I still find Chang funny, though it seems to me that the writers don't really know what to do with him.

Chang is one of those characters that is best in small doses. I see him as one of those random elements that can just pop up out of nowhere as a laugh and/or to advance a story. I'm kind of glad that the writers just have him kind of there every now and then. His character is best used as a "WTF is Chang doing now?"
I agree that Chang is best when used in small doses or to further the plot in an episode, like two weeks ago for instance. I don't know if I'd be able to take him as being part of the study group. Too much Chang is not a good thing. Plus I'm not a fan of the actor either.
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I don't think he will become part of the study group. He will be a part of the show, but always on the outside. The character is just too outrageous to be a regular. Assuming that the show will be back next season, I would guess that they keep him as the antagonist/pathetic/sometimes sympathetic character.
I'd never seen the show before io9 posted that clip of the Firefly shout-out last Friday, but I've now watched all the back episodes.
It's possibly the most wonderful comedy I've ever come across!
Many times I've come perilously close to rupturing a lung (or some other internal organ, possibly the spleen) from laughing.

Abed instantly became my favorite character, and Danny Pudi's performance has moved me to tears on several occasions.

• When he showed his first movie to his father
• When Annie angrily asks him why he stayed in the experiment room for 26 hours, and Abed just says, "Because you asked me to stay, and you said we were friends."
• When he tells Britta how cool it would be to be able to dance, but that he wouldn't want to take a class in it, then gives it a whirl after everybody's left the theatre... and he's amazing!

And Troy and Abed have the best friendship ever. I just love their end credits tag scenes.

It breaks my heart that the show hasn't received any award nominations.
Now that I'm fully caught up, I'm somewhat bothered by the fact that there was no foreshadowing in previous episodes about Jeff's daddy issues, or Troy's obssession with LeVar.
The show's usually very good about setting these things up, however subtly, for a payoff later.
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Another awesome episode. Loved the political debate, and Abed's relationship with Robin. We're now sadly on hiatus again until the end of next month. I dunno what I'm gonna do :(
The first half of the political episode was great, but the laughs sort of faded out in the second half. Good still, but the tone shift after Annie broke Jeff was jarring and stopped the episode from being as good as some of the other episodes.
The romantic tension between Jeff and Annie in this episode was palpable. This is what I'm talking about that i don't like in the show. The teasing and the swerve (although there wasn't much of a swerve). It's clear they both have feelings for each other. They both just acknowledged they care about each other. We know Annie hasn't completely given up on her feelings for Jeff, and Jeff is just unable to commit. I think this is the reason why they've not got together aside from the dramatic stuff. It's incredibly annoying. I'd wish they would just resolve this either way. I'm a big fan of Jeff and Annie so I kind of want them together, but if not then make it clear. Stop dicking us around.