Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1st

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Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I don't have to sign up for anything. I get insurance from my employer, exactly as before. Although now I don't have copays for office visits or preventative care. So I got no problem with the ACA as it stands. :shrug:
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

It doesn't apply to me either, because I'm eligible for Medicare. Out of curiosity, I plugged in my info, and I came up with much lower premiums than I paid when I had an individual policy years ago. :bolian:
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

This doesn't apply to me, either, because I'm covered by my husband's employer. But I sure wish we had the Affordable Care Act when I was single, because I had to rely on family to help me out. If I was single NOW, I wouldn't be able to get or afford coverage because of my preexisting health problems. With this plan, I could probably swing it, if I had to.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

This doesn't apply to me, either, because I'm covered by my husband's employer. But I sure wish we had the Affordable Care Act when I was single, because I had to rely on family to help me out. If I was single NOW, I wouldn't be able to get or afford coverage because of my preexisting health problems. With this plan, I could probably swing it, if I had to.
How do you feel about the mandatory fines?
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

Doesn't bother me at all because I would get the insurance, because I needed it, just like I have car insurance, because I need it. If I was single now, and there was no Affordable Health Act, I'd be majorly screwed. But now, if I had to buy insurance for myself, I could, because otherwise I don't think insurance companies would take me, or they would charge me an outrageous price I could never hope to afford.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I'm searching for new plans in my state and I can't afford it on my own. I was able to before this and now my plan is being phased out. The cost for the bronze plan is almost 100 bucks more than my plan and I really don't know what to do. I've got less than a month to figure things out... :(
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

Doesn't bother me at all because I would get the insurance, because I needed it, just like I have car insurance, because I need it. If I was single now, and there was no Affordable Health Act, I'd be majorly screwed. But now, if I had to buy insurance for myself, I could, because otherwise I don't think insurance companies would take me, or they would charge me an outrageous price I could never hope to afford.
It's wrong for the government to intrude into our lives and impose fines on people who can't afford mandatory premiums. This will cause a lot of heart ache on families and small business owners across the nation.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I'm with you, auntiehill. I couldn't have bought regular health insurance at all the last few years. I was in Maryland's plan for people who were otherwise uninsurable, one of the predecessors of Obamacare, and it was a real godsend.

An awful lot of people don't seem to understand the whole concept of insurance -- that everyone pays into the pool even when they don't need it, so it's there for when they do -- so young and healthy people are often reluctant to buy health insurance. I'd like to think that education would suffice to convince everyone to buy it. But it obviously doesn't, so I'm okay with having a fine.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

It also doesn't apply to all those Star Trek fans who don't live in the USA.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I have no problem with it, either. The cost is based on income, so it will be affordable; and the fines are there so that those people who can afford insurance and don't buy it-- knowing that they can sponge off the government if anything happens to them-- now must get it.

Peach, is it $100 more than you pay know even after taking into account the subsidy?
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I have no problem with it, either. The cost is based on income, so it will be affordable; and the fines are there so that those people who can afford insurance and don't buy it-- knowing that they can sponge off the government if anything happens to them-- now must get it.

Peach, is it $100 more than you pay know even after taking into account the subsidy?
Many people are finding out their premiums will triple under Obamacare. Take this man for instance. His health insurace premiums are currently $333.00 per month and Obamacare is going to cause the premium to increase to $965.00 a month. That is outrageous. Don't you agree? Please read: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/

Andy and Amy Mangione of Louisville, Ky. and their two boys are just the kind of people who should be helped by ObamaCare. But they recently got a nasty surprise in the mail.

It had stunning news. Insurance for the Mangiones and their two boys, which they bought on the individual market, was going to almost triple in 2014 --- from $333 a month to $965.

The insurance carrier made it clear the increase was in order to be compliant with the new health care law.

"This isn't a Cadillac plan, this isn't even a silver plan," Mangione said, referring to higher levels of coverage under ObamaCare.

"This is a high deductible plan where I'm assuming a lot of risk for my health insurance for my family. And nothing has changed, our boys are healthy-- they're young --my wife is healthy. I'm healthy, nothing in our medical history has changed to warrant a tripling of our premiums.

"Well I'm the one that does the budget,” said his wife. "Eventually I've got that coming down the pike that I gotta figure out what we're gonna cut what we're gonna do, to afford a $1,000 a month premium."

Their insurance company, Humana, declined to comment, but the notice to the Mangiones carried this paragraph:

" If your policy premium increased, you should know this isn't unique to Humana -- premium increases generally will occur industry-wide.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

If medicaid is expanded in my state, I qualify for that. If not, the silver plan is nearly 80% of my income, and the bronze plan is 60%.

So, essentially, I'd have to give up the majority of my income for health insurance I wouldn't be able to use because the hand full of pennies I'm left with isn't enough for the copays?

Is that website some conservative-made thing designed to piss me off, or is this real? if it's real, this is profoundly stupid.

Although, if I get into the graduate school program I want, which is slowly shifting from "unlikely" to "definitely possible," full health coverage is part of the deal, so I'll be fine in two years or so. If I get into a grad school program that is other than my first choice, they may have health insurance available that I can afford. We'll see.

My current school (a community college) has a health plan for students that costs about $1000 per year, but that's out of my ability to afford right now. Next year I'll be at Wayne State, and able to take out more in student loans, so hopefully they'll have something adequate.

Health insurance is stupid. My employers in the past provided shitty plans and didn't pay me very much so I couldn't use them ever because of the copays. Going to a doctor cost at minimum $50. About the only thing it was good for is not bankrupting myself if an emergency came up... maybe, as there was a yearly limit of $3000 or less. So, I wouldn't bankrupt myself if as long as I only had one emergency per year. Luckily I didn't have any.

My mom has some government program for those that don't qualify for medicaid, and it has copays I could afford, but they won't give it to me because I'm a college student.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

RJ, because of unique circumstances, I don't think I qualify for the subsidy. :(
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

The insurance carrier made it clear the increase was in order to be compliant with the new health care law.
And we all know that insurance people never lie.

Beside, as an Italian citizen, I get my healthcare from the our National Health Service. It's tax-funded and it's ranked as the second best in the world by the World Health Organization. So, yay for "socialism", I guess.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

Oct 1st is when you are supposed to sign up for the 'Affordable Care Act' or Obamacare. If you don't know what the monthly premiums will cost you, click on the link below and enter your information into the Obamacare calculator. Also don't forget, if you do not sign up, you will be hit with a mandatory fine.


Your signature tells us all we need to know about you, Birther.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

Many people are finding out their premiums will triple under Obamacare. Take this man for instance. His health insurace premiums are currently $333.00 per month and Obamacare is going to cause the premium to increase to $965.00 a month. That is outrageous. Don't you agree? Please read: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/

Andy and Amy Mangione of Louisville, Ky. and their two boys are just the kind of people who should be helped by ObamaCare. But they recently got a nasty surprise in the mail.
As usual with Fox News and their "fair and balanced" bullshit, some important facts are omitted from their story.
Mangione is a lobbyist for Big Pharma.

Andrew J. Mangione Jr. is the Vice President, Government Relations, for AMAC. Andy’s career spans the medical device, pharmaceutical and managed care sectors of health care. He has held senior and executive sales positions with organizations including Humana, Inc., Pfizer, Inc. and Invacare Corporation. Andy serves as the lead legislative and government contact in Washington, DC for AMAC, and is also responsible for national grassroots outreach and developing strategic relationships. Andy earned a B.A. in Management from Malone University and his Master of Business Administration from Lake Erie College.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

Oct 1st is when you are supposed to sign up for the 'Affordable Care Act' or Obamacare. If you don't know what the monthly premiums will cost you, click on the link below and enter your information into the Obamacare calculator. Also don't forget, if you do not sign up, you will be hit with a mandatory fine.


Your signature tells us all we need to know about you, Birther.

[mod hat] one reminder to remember which forum you are in before making posts directed at a poster [/mod hat]

Carry on.
Re: Ok Trekkers, Don't Forget To Sign Up For Mandatory Obamacare Oct 1

I'm really looking forward to it.

I work in healthcare, but don't have coverage provided by my employer. With a preexisting condition I have been totally unable to get coverage for the past 4 years. And though I'm able to afford my regular care out of pocket, the thought of how I would be able to afford something catastrophic as I get older has been quite frightening.

Our governor released some of our rates last week and we learned that our rates are below the national average and probably even cheaper here in Chicago than in the rest of the state (probably the first time that's ever been the case ;) ). Though I won't be eligible for any of the subsidies, it looks like I'll be able to purchase a gold plan for around $225 a month. I can afford that, but the peace of mind it'll provide really will be priceless for me.

Peach, is it $100 more than you pay know even after taking into account the subsidy?

Peach is a *very* special circumstance, but I'll let her describe that if she chooses. Suffice it to say, there's a very real chance that she could end up paying significantly less under the Affordable Care Act than she currently is.

If medicaid is expanded in my state, I qualify for that. If not, the silver plan is nearly 80% of my income, and the bronze plan is 60%.

So, essentially, I'd have to give up the majority of my income for health insurance I wouldn't be able to use because the hand full of pennies I'm left with isn't enough for the copays?

That absolutely can't be true.

If you're making little enough that you could qualify for Medicaid, then there's a good chance that you'll qualify for a subsidy to help with the premium.

Why not try putting your info in the subsidy calculator and see what comes up?


When I type in the info for a 30 year old non-smoker living in Detroit on $25,000, it says the bronze plan premium works out to $1,130 a year. But that same person is eligible for a subsidy of more than $650. Your numbers might be slightly different, but, if you're making any money at all how can the bronze plan premium be 60% of your income?
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