New Comic Book Star Trek: Nero

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by elric428, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Jayson

    Jayson Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 31, 2001
    I will try. I just need someone to hit me on the head with a shovel, but just in the right spot that erases non-canon material and keeps canon-accepted material from also being deleted. :)
  2. Base_Delta_Zero

    Base_Delta_Zero Commodore Commodore

    May 4, 2004
    Eh, Countdown was a waste of my time and money. Good idea, but weak execution and ultimately discarded by the filmmakers as non-canon. Why would I waste more time and money on something "answering" questions (probably poorly) from the movie when it's very likely it will be tossed aside at the drop of a hat?

    At least with the rest of the pre-09 franchise stuff, you knew beforehand that the books were bullshit, whether they were good or not, only the shows mattered, and you could reasonably pick and choose what you wanted to believe was "true" or not in the print version of Star Trek.

    Now they want me to buy into the subpar "official prequel" comic, then toss it out the window the second the movie comes out? Then they come up with this thing and try to tell me this is what Nero was up to during his down time in the film? Do they promise this time? Pinky swear? Fuck them. Either come right out and say we're back to the books are fun but bullshit, or make a clear distinction you're including non-film products in canon.

    I don't care which way it goes, just pick something and stick to it.

    EDIT: Post 2010. I didn't even notice my promotion to commodore. Sweet. 2010's a good movie, too.
  3. Captain Randy Hall

    Captain Randy Hall Commodore Commodore

    May 16, 2001
    Columbia, Maryland USA
    I view the comics and other stuff as something you can use to learn more about what went on in the movie. Novelizations fall into that category. I don't think a lot of the people who've seen the movie will go right out and buy the comics and the Alan Dean Foster novelization. But if you want more about the storyline, those are the places to go.:bolian:

    And one other thing: The people who wrote the film also wrote Countdown, so it's not like somebody waltzing in and guessing what happened before or even after the movie.:vulcan:
  4. ManaByte

    ManaByte Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 10, 2009
    Southern California
    It'll probably just be an adaptation of the Rura Penthe scenes that were cut out of the movie.
  5. Toruika

    Toruika Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 23, 2009
    I'm interested in seeing how things pan out in this publication, given how deadly Rura Penthe is supposed to be. I'd also love to see how the various penal factions within the colony work. Are there enough Romulans established there prior to Nero's arrival, or is it just that he and his crew are THAT GOOD, that they can survive -25- years in one of the toughest prison systems in the alpha quadrant? And just think... to have gone from losing everything and everyone you loved, to an alternate past, and in the process, get captured by KLINGONS and sent to rot on an asteroid. Yeah, if Nero's mind wasn't already broken, that'd do it.

    I'd like to see the method behind his madness fleshed out. Might make him a better villain.