Jason Isaacs Interview

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by RAMA, May 11, 2017.

  1. Balok's Decoy

    Balok's Decoy Commodore Commodore

    Aug 13, 2016
    Balok's Decoy in Baltimore, MD
    I will never understand why people remain so fixated on this issue. It really doesn't matter.
  2. Space Coast

    Space Coast Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 21, 2017
    That comment implies TOS had a continuity outside of movies to begin with.
    Serveaux likes this.
  3. AutoAdmin

    AutoAdmin Machine of Death Administrator

    Dec 24, 2002
    A new news article has been published at TrekToday:

    Jason Isaacs, who will play USS Discovery Captain Lorca, spoke briefly about Star Trek: Discovery while being interviewed about the Netflix series...

    Continue reading...
  4. Captain of the USS Averof

    Captain of the USS Averof Commodore Commodore

    Jul 26, 2016
    Actor Praises His New Unaired TV Show... In other news...
    Jedman67 likes this.
  5. Captain of the USS Averof

    Captain of the USS Averof Commodore Commodore

    Jul 26, 2016
    USS Meredith likes this.
  6. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    ^ As long as they get rid of Mudd's goofy fake Leo Walsh accent.
  7. PixelMagic

    PixelMagic Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Apr 3, 2008
    Cool. Show us.
  8. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
    Can Eccentrica Gallumbits make an appearance in DSC?
    Oops, that was supposed to go in the Discovery Titles thread.
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  9. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    Then why would you care whether it took place in the Kelvin timeline or the prime timeline (or any other timeline for that matter), or feel the need to berate the people who thought it would take place in the Kelvin timeline?
  10. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    As indicated in the portion of my text that you deleted, I do care about the setting, which includes the timeline. The timeline clearly influences the setting. Pretty straightforward.

    I'm only criticizing mildly those who claimed to know how Hollywood works and that you'd be a moron to think that it won't be in the Kelvin universe. As far as I know, that doesn't include you--but I'm not keeping track. There were huge threads dedicated to this. It's one thing to think or hope that it could be in the Kelvin timeline. It's an entirely different thing to say that you "know" it must be so based on some deep insight about Hollywood and to think otherwise indicates ignorance.
  11. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    But that's not really the case here. Fuller even stated that the show could have taken place in either universe; the only reason "prime" was chosen was so that they wouldn't step on the toes of the movie producers and possibly contradict any future stories they want to tell. To me however, it sounds pretty arbitrary.

    Honestly I don't really give a damn what universe it's set in. But if I had to choose, I would have chosen a complete reboot, so that I wouldn't be beholden to anything that came before. Because to me, if someone told me that the show was supposed to be set ten years before TOS, then I'd expect that it would look exactly like "The Cage," because that would be ten years before TOS. Clearly it's going to look like no such thing.
    { Emilia } likes this.
  12. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    ^ The more recent information indicates it is a direct prequel. I am pleased.

    If I didn't want a series to be beholden to "anything" (your word) that came before, I'd watch a different series entirely. For example, I love The Expanse! Not like Trek at all. But, for my Trek fix, yes, I'd like it to be beholden to what has come before.
  13. { Emilia }

    { Emilia } Cute but deadly Moderator

    Apr 17, 2011
    But even a reboot would still be Star Trek. It would still retain many features but not be forced to adhere to some silly canon that some people care about. I mean, they're not actually forced but you know the whining and they know it, too.

    A proper reboot allows it to be Trek but they can just have Earth ally with Romulus or whatever. In fact, just give us a TOS reboot. Maybe switch all the genders so Sonequa Martin-Green is Jamie Kirk, Michelle Yeoh is Ms Spock, Chiwetel Ejiofor is Uhura...
    Maybe cast Donald Trump as the ship computer's voice, I hear he'll be unemployed soon. And no computer statement will have more than 140 characters.
    Michael likes this.
  14. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    Everyone's MMV. But, for me, if it's Trek, it might as well fit in with the Universe that they've developed over decades. Great stories can still be told in this setting.

    True, great stories can be told in other settings. For that, I just go to a different series altogether.

    Everyone's preferences will different.
  15. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    So now that the trailer's out and there's a definite Kelvin-timeline vibe going on with DSC, what do you think about it now?
  16. CorporalClegg

    CorporalClegg Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2001
    I think the quote looks even more ill-advised now.

    Since the trailer states "before Kirk, Spock..." and not specifically "Before The Original Series" with how it looks and feels, they should have instead redacted everything they ever said about which timeline it was and left it ambiguous.
  17. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    I didn't get a Kelvin vibe from it at all. A more modern use of SFx doesn't equal Kelvin vibe.

    I thought it looked great! Looking forward to it!