Is Shatner really bald?

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by CaptainHawk1, Jan 21, 2009.

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  1. Therin of Andor

    Therin of Andor Admiral Moderator

    Jun 30, 2004
    New Therin Park, Andor (via Australia)
    The point about that final stage makeup, according to the interview I read in the early 80s (so I no longer recall the source), Fred Philips had originally designed a separate baldcap piece to cover Shatner's normal appearance for that final stage, but they were having trouble fitting it, so Shatner whipped off the toupe instead. But if you set the numerous aging stages side by side, he seems to grow more hair as he ages.
  2. Misfit Toy

    Misfit Toy Caped Trek Mod Admiral

    Feb 11, 2002
    Transporter buffer
    Let it go, Red.
  3. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    People who insist that Shatner was never balding or ever wore a toupee are drinking the Kool-Aid.

    Justman has mentioned Shatner's off-season "borrowing" of studio-purchased toupees as a problem William Campbell has told his own story of Shatner showing up at his house one afternoon and astonishing the neighborhood kids who expected Captain Kirk - because "Captain Kirk" was bald!

    The eyewitness accounts from a variety of people go on and on, for forty years. But some fans are told that Shatner has never been balding and are quick to offer up defenses for what is, at most, a matter of minor professional vanity.

    What no one has reliably attested, to the best of my knowledge, is whether Shatner has had hair implants later in life or simply developed a little good judgment about toupees (I'd guess the former, but who knows - maybe casting directors and his manager got through to him). The rugs he was wearing in the 1980s, though, were classically bad rugs - the very common "overcompensation" variety, where the density of hair is considerably greater than that of most healthy young people.

    Now quick - who's got a photo of Sinatra without his toupee? Very bald, he wore one in public through middle age, at which point he had hair transplants which were sufficient for him to feel comfortable going out of the house. He continued to wear rugs on stage until late in life.
  4. MadBaggins

    MadBaggins Captain Captain

    Nov 15, 2007
  5. Garibaldi O'brien

    Garibaldi O'brien Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 1, 2001
    FL, USA
    I was skimming this thread, and read "William Shatner's Hair Cures Cancer"

    /backing out now... ;p
  6. CaptainHawk1

    CaptainHawk1 Commodore

    Sep 8, 2000
    Las Vegas, NV USA
    All good dude, I was only partly serious with that anyway. btflash and I are cool as I noted earlier.

    I'm glad to hear you and your cat are doing well. You two make a lovely couple. I'll send you my address so you can send me a wedding invitation. :techman:

    For the record, I'm just curious: what did I ever say to you to incur your wrath? As I said before, I didn't even know you before you attacked me, so what gives?

    I mean, it appears that you don't like comments that I've made in other threads. If that's the case, why don't you just take them up with me in those threads or via PM? Why call me out in open forum with a personal attack when I don't even know what your beef is?

    It seems counterproductive and it just makes you look hostile.

    -Shawn :borg:
  7. CaptainHawk1

    CaptainHawk1 Commodore

    Sep 8, 2000
    Las Vegas, NV USA
    I'm not suggesting that he isn't, I've just questioned the fact that we've assumed for yearsthat he does without any verifiable proof.

    I guess you could say that I'm agnostic abut the issue of Shat's toupee.
  8. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    No, what we do have is the first-hand testimony of many different people over a period of decades.

    That is substantial good evidence, though it does fall short of being absolute proof.

    The same level of "agnosticism" would allow that we don't have verifiable proof that Shatner is biologically male by birth. We just have substantial good evidence. :p
  9. CaptainHawk1

    CaptainHawk1 Commodore

    Sep 8, 2000
    Las Vegas, NV USA
    Well, not really, as to me there's nothing to indicate by appearance that he's bald (he could have thin hair) but he's obviously a male and no one's suggested otherwise. Also simply look at his hands. His ring finger is longer than his index finger... he's a dude.



    -Shawn :borg:
  10. Green Shirt

    Green Shirt Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 1, 2005
    It's a little thin up there. Toup or no?

  11. WHF

    WHF Captain Captain

    May 13, 2006
    the Eye of a Shitticane
    This would indicate he's most likely a straight male, a gay male would have an index longer than the ring finger.
    Of course this might indicate something else?
  12. Misfit Toy

    Misfit Toy Caped Trek Mod Admiral

    Feb 11, 2002
    Transporter buffer
    Counterproductive - like your comments AFTER I have already told both you AND Red Ranger to knock off the personal comments.

    Everyone - any further personal issues can be hashed out over PM. Leave it out of the thread. Keep posts on topic or warnings will be issued.
  13. Green Shirt

    Green Shirt Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 1, 2005

    Nah, can't be his real hair. No human being's hair looks like that. The front third is combed to the side while the rest is combed straight back. As Counselor Troi is fond of saying, "He's hiding something."
  14. Rabittooth

    Rabittooth Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 6, 2008
    The Depths of the Realm
  15. Green Shirt

    Green Shirt Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 1, 2005
    Who Me???

    There's a good thread stopper if I've ever seen one!

    BTW, thanks for getting the color of his shirt right!!!
  16. Mr. Fergy

    Mr. Fergy Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 8, 2005
    Newton, Kansas, USA
    Uh, yes he does.
  17. Doik

    Doik Ensign Newbie

    Jan 2, 2009
  18. Ryan Thomas Riddle

    Ryan Thomas Riddle Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2003
  19. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    Larry David disapproves.
  20. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 1, 2009
    Northfield, Vermont

    I am 35, my hairline is exactly where it was at 15, I actually have my hair thinned to keep it tidy when I have it cut, and Walter Koenig at what, 65, has more "hair" on his head than I ever thought about having. Just ridiculous.
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