Gen. Media Hunk of the Week 8/27: Mark Harmon (image heavy thread)

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by auntiehill, Aug 28, 2008.


Gen. Media Hunk of the Week 8/27: Mark Harmon

Poll closed Sep 3, 2008.
  1. Yeah, Baby! (thumbs up)

  2. Not So Much! (thumbs down)

  3. Meh. (thumbs sideways)

  1. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    Hmm. I'm going to have to go sideways. I mainly remember this guy from the 70s; he was kind of one of those generic actors who were always popping up as guest stars for no apparent reason-- one of those people you assume has more contacts than talent. I don't think I even knew that he ended up on St. Elsewhere.
  2. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    Michale Weatherly is a good choice, too. He's a thumb's up for sure!

    Oh, man, this thread is turning me so gay! :lol:

    Also, is anyone aware of Mark Harmon's real life heroic moment? He saved two teenagers from a burning car that crashed in front of his house. He went in the car, risking his life and saved them both. :techman:
  3. kitkat

    kitkat Admiral Admiral

    Jan 24, 2004
    The South
    Yeah, I remember hearing about that. *swoons*

    Luckily for you, there's the anonymity of the internet, huh? We won't tell anybody about your man crushes. :lol:
  4. kitkat

    kitkat Admiral Admiral

    Jan 24, 2004
    The South
    I don't know about that (the more contacts than talents part), did you happen to see him in The Deliberate Stranger, the story of Ted Bundy? He was AMAZING!!! It was the only thing I ever watched him in that I wasn't drooling the whole time, I was creeped the fuck out. I think that says something of his acting ability. If he was able to distract me away from his looks like that.... :lol::lol::lol:
  5. Cali

    Cali Admiral Admiral

    Jul 1, 2002
    probably in a theatre somewhere
    Oooh, nice. :devil:
  6. sidious618

    sidious618 Admiral Admiral

    Feb 21, 2005
    Problem is I forget to censor myself in real life, too. :p
  7. PKTrekGirl

    PKTrekGirl Arrogant Niner Thug Admiral

    Aug 17, 2001
    Anchorage, Alaska
    I'll go with 'thumbs up'.

    I'm not ga-ga crazy for him or anything...but I do think he's pretty good looking and a good actor in the things I've seen him in.

    I've not seen NCIS, but I used to watch him on that show he did with that deaf actress (Marlee Matlin or something like) and I thought he as good in that. I used to really like that show - they were both very good.
  8. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    Well, it was just the impression of him I had at the time, I guess. He was one of those actors who you knew, but could never remember exactly where you saw him. :rommie: I guess he can act when he has something good to work with....
  9. kitkat

    kitkat Admiral Admiral

    Jan 24, 2004
    The South

    For sure. I don't know if you've ever watched NCIS but maybe check it out once and see what you think. He's (along with the entire cast) really good on that.
  10. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    I've never seen the show, but I'm actually glad he found a place to shine. You wonder what becomes of so many of these people, who work so hard and then seem to just disappear off the face of the Earth....
  11. WillsBabe

    WillsBabe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Okay. I know I'm too late to this party, but look, I had to go to a whole 'nother country to see this show. So now I know the lush that is Harmon, I'm voting. Even though voting is closed. Thank you, Greek tv. :techman:
  12. Flibble

    Flibble Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Aug 24, 2003
    Wow! Those photos of a younger Mark Harmon are amazing!!!
  13. HighteeHeller

    HighteeHeller Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 15, 2004
    Derby, England
    I have to go thumbs up only because he was my first tv crush way back on Flamingo Road. He has aged VERY well.

    Edited to add, i would have voted up if the poll was still open. S'up with that?