Game ENT Episode Pitch Game

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Enterprise' started by Laura Cynthia Chambers, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Annoyed" - NX-01 is stalked by an overly curious probe, but since it hasn't taken any hostile action yet - only getting in the way and buzzing around like a fly around someone's head, the crew monitors its progress. Tucker and Sato work on establishing a remote link to try and determine its origin and what information it's collecting, while Reed studies scans of the probe for clues to its capabilities and weaknesses, should it need to be shut down or destroyed. Meanwhile, Phlox is attempting a tricky experiment, but keeps being interrupted by minor issue, and considers requesting that Starfleet assign the ship a nurse.

    Next episode: "Intuition"
  2. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "Intuition" - When a pair of enlisted crewmen save Archer’s life from assassins from the future, despite any foreknowledge of the event, its revealed after a medical examination by Phlox that the crewmen are espers. This leads to a clash of beliefs between Archer and T’Pol, with T’Pol very much believing in human espers and that they should be further integrated into the crew, to Archer’s surprise. Meanwhile, Hoshi tries to get Travis to admit he secretly has feelings for her, and has for years.

    Next episode – “Sisters of Rajiin”
  3. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    "Sisters of Rajin"
    A few years after the expanse was dissolved, the area is experiencing a renaissance of new trade and relations with other species, however, with new opportunities, comes new crimes. The Orion syndicate have been slowly worming there way into that area of space. Reading from the Enterprise's mission reports, the Orions notice the Oran'taku, and there telepathic abilities, they make there way to there planet, and discover that only the women of the Oran'taku are telepathic, where the men or empathic. The Orions raid the planet, taking slaves. Rajin, contacts Archer and asks for help in getting her people back from the Orions, however, with the Romulan war beginning, he may not be able to help.

    Next Episode:
    " The Edosian Conspiracy"
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  4. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "The Edosian Conspiracy" - When Enterprise bring onboard Ossaarian merchants, they learn that they are re-opening trade talks with the Edosians. When Archer and T’Pol inquire to Phlox about the Edosians, Phlox simply says that the Edosian have a complicated history in the sector without further elaboration, leaving both puzzled. When the Ossaarians merchants beam up various aquatic life on the Edosian homeworld by the cargo container, it stirs up concern in Archer. The merchants simply reply that the aquatic life belongs to them, and they are saving them from becoming dinner for the Edosians. Archer gets confirmation from Phlox that while the Edosians are a peaceful species, they are also prone to engage in overfishing on other worlds, and managed to drive a once prominent sea creature on Denobula to extinction. This leads to Archer and T’Pol decideding to open up a dialogue with the Edosians. They find that while the Edosian are benign, they struggle to understand the significance of their actions.

    Next episode – “Silent Ally”
  5. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    “Silent Ally”- The Enterprise and other alliance ships are locked in battle with squadron of Romulan ships. Hoshi begins to receive coded text messages on a little used frequency. The messages contain tactical information about the Romulans. Reed is of course suspicious, but the information pans out. Not convinced Reed tries to triangulate on the source of the messages. As Hoshi continues to communicate with their mysterious ally she forms an attachment. Reed continues to question it, warning Archer it's too good to be true. Listening to Reed, Archer ignores the information provided and the ship is nearly destroyed by the Romulans. A final message from the mystery ally enables the Enterprise to destroy the Romulan ship, just as Reed discovers the source of the messages was on that ship, leaving Hoshi saddened.

    Next Episode- "The Fault In Our Stars"
  6. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "The Fault In Our Stars" - During a tense battle with a quintet of Romulan ships, a Xyrillian transport suddenly decloaks and is destroyed by Enterprise, with all hands. As Enterprise makes its way to Xyrillia to acknowledge the loss of lives aboard, as subspace communications are down, Reed beats himself up over what happened. And turns to T’Pol and more specifically, the teachings of Surak, to inquire about living a life free of non-violence.

    Meanwhile, Admiral Valdore is unimpressed with the increasing number of campaigns the Romulan Empire is waging. He requests and gets a face-to-face meeting with Praetor Gileus, fka Admiral Karzan. The meeting ends with Valdore experiencing treachery from the Praetor first hand, and Valdore coming to terms that the honor bound society he once knew was beginning to crumble. he starts to fear that the Romulans will lose their first war in several hundred years.

    Next episode – “When September Ends”
  7. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "When September Ends” - Dr. Phlox goes on leave to provide palliative care for an elderly relative he spent time with as a child during a long-drawn out family conflict. Meanwhile, NX-01 attends a harvest festival on Teratus I, a move which is seen as controversial because of the planet's neutrality in a recent battle incident involving United Earth, which they were pursuing a treaty with.

    Next episode: "Rotoscope"
  8. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "Rotoscope" - Enterprise encounters a species that only tells its stories by using the animation technique of rotoscope. The species want Enterprise to tell their story in the same way so that it can be a part of their recorded history, and they want the crew to be truthful. When the crew gets together to decide what elements of their exploration journey should be told, it also leads to discussions as to what should be left out. Archer and Trip debate their treatment of T’Pol and Vulcans in general in the past, Reed and T’Pol question the Xindi mission, and Phlox, Travis and Hoshi question several first contacts – Xyrillians, Valakians, Kretassans, and Vissians, to name a few.

    Next episode - “Andorian Idol”
  9. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    “Andorian Idol”

    The Enterprise gets involved into a trade talk on a multi-species colony, made complicated when a group of colonists led by a charismatic Andorian who happens to be some kind of celebrity, crashes the party. He also happens to be the older brother of Shran, who doesn't get along with him.

    Next episode- "Survivor"
    Sumire likes this.
  10. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    Mayweather is in a shuttlepod over a gas giant planet, when a large EMP fries most of the pods systems, and is forced to enter the atmosphere. Fearing that he will be crushed by the gas giant's atmospheric pressure, he is stunned to to see floating islands in the atmosphere. He manages to crash land on one of the islands. Surprisingly this layer of atmosphere is close to M Class, so he just needs a reperator. Now Mayweather has to search the island to see if he can find anything to repair the pod and let the Enterprise know where he is, however, someone may be watching him.

    Next Episode: " To Serve Man"
  11. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    " To Serve Man"- Phlox writes a cook book. :shifty:
    CorporalCaptain and valkyrie013 like this.
  12. Reanok

    Reanok Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Since Phlox likes Egg drop soup it will probably end up in his cook book.
  13. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    "Egg Drop"

    The crew experiences hallucinations, when the chef unwittingly picks up a bunch of Xindi eggs on an alien planet.

    Next episode- "Radar"
  14. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "Radar" - The NX-01 is turned into prototype of a Warp Delta starship, that only used radar and has no visual sensors, by a god-like being. As they have no control in returning back to their NX class ship, the crew must make due with the ship they are on for the next month as they explore a star system and make first contact with a species that is openly hostile towards outsiders.

    Next episode – “Beautiful Day”
  15. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    “Beautiful Day” - NX-01 is forced to remain in dock at the derelict station they are dismantling when a swarm of energy creatures migrate through the area, on detour from their usual path - it's best not to engage with them for space environmental and personal safety reasons. While stuck there, the crew observes the creatures from a distance. When a ship begins hunting these endangered creatures for sport, NX-01 must decide how and when to engage. Meanwhile, Reed is suspicious when everything else aboard the ship goes as planned, deciding that it's going to go bad soon. When it does (see the A story), he challenges everyone to come up with an example of perfection that actually wasn't a harbinger of doom.

    Next episode: "Justifiable"
    Sumire and valkyrie013 like this.
  16. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    The Enterprise detects an antimatter radiation signature, and arrives at a world with a venus like atmosphere, and find intelligent life. They learn that the species is warp capable but haven't explored much due to not being able to see the stars from the planet surface. These beings are like the Tholians, crystalline based. They invite the crew down to the surface, however due to the pressure and heat the natives create clones from a creature that is native to this world. Ethical debate on what to do after they are done visiting as the creature has never copied non native life, and become self aware, however they need the creature to negotiate with the native species.

    Next Episode:
    "Heal Thy Own Self"
  17. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Heal Thy Own Self" - Phlox investigates a medical mystery when injured crewmembers mysteriously recuperate far too quickly and completely without medical intervention. While at first it seems like a good thing, suspicions are confirmed when the healed crew members begin to morph into inanimate objects, other animals, and other people. How can they reverse this? Meanwhile, the crew finds Trip's experiments with ancient Vulcan plant remedies amusing.

    Next episode: "Mission: Control"
    valkyrie013 likes this.
  18. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    "Mission: Control"
    In 2155, Section 31 could see that the Earth and the Romulans would soon be at war. To help Earth and her allies in the coming war, Section 31 has been "abducting" scientists, analysts from across the sector, even having some volunteering help from Airk Soong. With them, they start building a threat assessment system that will aid Earth in its war. Unknown to Section 31, Supervisor Gary Seven is one of the abducted scientists, who is there to help, or maybe hurt this endevour.

    Next Episode: "Neutron Star"
  19. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto aka The Centre of the Universe
    "Mission: Control" - While observing a probe launch meant to explore neutron stars while in orbit of a Denobulan colony, Enterprise comes under attack by a small Xindi ship. When Enterprise captures a trio of Xindi – an Insectoid, a male Reptilian, and a female Primate – they find that they have been programmed to only speak Romulan dialects, due to device planted in their heads. Phlox, Hoshi and Trip work together to figure out why someone would do this to the Xindi against their will, and on a way to remove the devices without killing the hosts.

    Meanwhile one of Phlox ‘s wives, Feezal, is on board the Enterprise overseeing the probe launch. Like her last visit, he has her eyes set on Trip. While Travis and Reed, along with Kelby in engineering are more openminded towards Feezal’s advances than Trip is, Feezal’s heart is still set of Trip. This leads to a sit-down conversation over tea with T’Pol, who's been quietly observing Feezal's behaviour.

    Next episode – “Wherever You Will Go”
  20. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Neutron Star" - NX-01 is dispatched to a star system whose primary is showing signs of collapsing into a neutron star. Suspicious energy signatures nearby suggest sabotage is responsible, but maybe not for the collapse; instead, indications are that someone is trying hard to convince Starfleet intel that the collapse is artificial, caused by a powerful enemy weapon, with the goal of promoting an escalation of war. Hoshi and T'Pol look for possible sources of the fake signatures, while Archer and Reed make contacts with Intelligence to see what they can find out.

    “Wherever You Will Go” - NX-01 is ferrying several individuals to their new posting on a civilian deep space mission, the ship of which is currently on the far reaches of Starfleet territory. The crew of NX-01 discuss among themselves the excitement of being so far from help or home, with nobody but themselves to rely on. One of the new crew members tries to interest Travis and Trip in the mission. Upon rendezvousing with the deep space ship, they encounter a sudden ship failure that leave a question about whether such missions are responsible.

    Next episode: "Good Soldiers"
    FederationHistorian likes this.