Been A Long Time


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Wowza, folks.

I didn't realize it had been so long since I visited or wrote anything in this part of the galaxy.

Life has been crazy the last few years, and I now have a 2 1/2 year old making it crazier. She's smarter than she ought to be and difficult to boot, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I've spent the last couple of days revisiting some of my old friends aboard the Pytheas, Banshee, Xu Fu, Stonehouse, and others, and I realized that I didn't actually want to finish any of those stories. I think they're best left to history, or alternative timelines, or whatever.

I recently shelved the original writing project I've been working on for over a decade, and I'm stuck on my new project, so it's time to come home to where it all began.

Star Trek.

I haven't figured out exactly WHAT I'm going to write next, but I know WHERE and WHEN it will be.

Peppered with friends from across the 24th century, some of whom I've reassigned from other stories, and some I've never used before but wanted to, plus my own original characters...I want to welcome you to...2387.

Mars is burning and the Federation has just about finished rebuilding after the Dominion War, though the loss of Utopia Planitia is keenly felt.

Romulus is dust, but the galaxy marches on and the Federation is exploring the vast unexplored mass of the galaxy beyond Deneb IV...

The Cygnus Reach

Tales from Cygnus Station...coming soon.
Ooh, glad I'm not the only one who has thought to set some stories in that region of space. Mine is still in development and set in 2395. Looking forward to seeing how you delve into it :)
It's been a minute. Welcome back. Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us.
Life has been crazy the last few years, and I now have a 2 1/2 year old making it crazier. She's smarter than she ought to be and difficult to boot, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Congratulations on your new and continuing adventures.

I am not familiar with your writing, but I love the name Pythias. Is this from the play, or the historical discoverer of Thule, or the Oracle of Apollo? I dig me some classical Greek philosophy.

Welcome back. I hope to read your work soon.

Congratulations on your new and continuing adventures.

I am not familiar with your writing, but I love the name Pythias. Is this from the play, or the historical discoverer of Thule, or the Oracle of Apollo? I dig me some classical Greek philosophy.

Welcome back. I hope to read your work soon.

I tended to pick explorers' names for my ships back then. Pytheas just appealed to me and sounded like a cool name for a ship.
"Loose Ends" was intended as a vignette and prequel to Tales from Cygnus Station, but there's too much there to cram in to a small space, so the wrap-up threads from the Refugee Crisis/Task Force Vanguard crossover will be woven into the Cygnus Station stories.

I won't provide a time frame as to when the first one will be posted, but I'm working on it. I also want to find some cool titles for the stories...
Just wanted to provide an update. Originally slated as 5 stories which would basically have been a season one of sorts, I've decided to write it all as one long piece, possibly novel length by the time I'm done instead of my usual 10k word novelettes.

I'm only about five chapters in with a long way to go.

However, I'm toying with the idea of starting a Cygnus Station thread and throwing in some "historical notes" about the events that lead up to the story...not a hundred percent sure yet.
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Looks like it'll be longer still. I'm not happy with what I have and I'm not sure how to make it work just yet. I was trying to weave the storylines together just as I usually do but they don't exactly go. I may have to rethink what goes in this first story and cut everything else out, leaving it for another one or two or three. Might have been a little too ambitious in scope to jump back into the water.
First draft is done and it clocks in around 11,000 words which seems to be my normal. There are some extra bits I want to add and some that need tightening up, and that I'll tackle when I type it up. For now, I'll let it sit while I work on something else.