(WIP) Enterprise D Interiors

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Phreez, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    Given all the mishaps that seem to happen on holodecks and holosuites, this is such a bad idea. :lol: All you need is some alien probe to scan the ship and suddenly the cetacean crew are being menaced by Badgey while they try to swim through chicken gravy.
  2. Mr. Phreez

    Mr. Phreez Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Nov 8, 2023
    What the.... Where the...

    After a sudden leave (long story) I am back! I had some personal stuff that had to be dealt with, but I'm back to my project and updates will begin very soon!

    I hope everyone has been having a great year so far, I've got a lot to catch up on. Talk to you all again soon! Good to be back.
  3. Firebird

    Firebird Commodore Commodore

    Apr 23, 2005
    On the Cinerama screen, in glorious Technicolor.
  4. Mr. Phreez

    Mr. Phreez Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Nov 8, 2023
    Where to begin?

    So it has been a while since I have been active here. I had some projects and sudden things pop up that demanded my time and - well - now I'm back!

    Where did we last leave off?


    I believe this is what everyone is familiar with, dark,
    not exactly TNG looking. The floor just isn't working
    in this image. The ceiling is really dark as well. Too
    much empty space up there.

    With that...


    I decided the floor had to go, was clogging up the room and gave it more of a First Contact darkness
    than TNG warmth.

    I also raised the roof (woop woop ... ahhh cheesy I know), and added some lights, as one doth see.

    What do I do with this room?!

    I think I need to make this wall a smidge wider, just
    noticing that now. Anyway, this is a room that I am not entirely sure what to do with. Gear & Equipment? Tiny Office? And then what will that door lead to? Does it need to be a door? Do I even need a separation back there? (It's a small room, think, walk-in closet size).

    Stuck on the color scheme...

    So these are the few changes I've had since I was
    able to start back on this project ::checks watch:: a couple of days ago...

    I'm finding I'm stuck on figuring out a color scheme for this room. And - would this room have carpet? Maybe in the future, the carpet will be pervious and water won't affect it?

    I've thought of going with the transporter room green, or maybe some of the colder looks of their less known sets (think the room where
    Data built Lal
    ) (You know, I probably don't have to protect that behind a spoiler, but people are always discovering Star Trek, you never know who doesn't know stuff.)

    Anyway, more to come as I start up on this project!

    Keep trekking!
    publiusr, Praetor, TOMFAN and 9 others like this.
  5. ashleytinger

    ashleytinger Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 1, 2016
    Big Four Bridge
    There was a great underwater base adventure at Epcot when I went in 7th grade. Probably still there. But it had some current and possible future looks, maybe you could incorporate something like that in? I don't for the life of me remember what it's called...
    Mr. Phreez likes this.
  6. blssdwlf

    blssdwlf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 26, 2010
    Given how much the ship can shake from a hit I think you should convert the floor to a grated floor. That way you can see the cetaceans swim under the floor and also any large amounts of water that gets sloshed out of the central pool would just end back in the pool. YMMV.
    Mr. Phreez and Tate Meyer like this.
  7. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    Love all the changes and additions! And I have to say, I love the color/lighting scheme you have right now as well. Totally works as a TNG set for me. (Although I have to admit that I’m at least a little curious to see how it would look in Transporter Green, haha.)

    As for the floor: My instinct would be to go without any carpeting. Something like the shuttlebay floor could work here as well. Would probably be some 24th century anti-slip material.
  8. Firebird

    Firebird Commodore Commodore

    Apr 23, 2005
    On the Cinerama screen, in glorious Technicolor.
    The changes instantly gave me that Herman Zimmerman/Richard James vibe, so you've locked in to the Galaxy class' design aesthetic!

    Seconded. Carpeting in this set (sorry, I can't seem to get my brain unstuck from production rather than in-unverse) would be a nightmare to maintain.

    An interesting alternative would be if the floor of the room was all plexiglass/transparent aluminum. That might be more beneficial to the Tursiops crew. If I were one of the orcas, I'd think it would feel claustrophobic having to be under that enclosed floor before getting to the open pool.
  9. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I also subscribe to the idea of a shuttlebay-style floor, perhaps even with caution markings around the central opening, those were used a lot in TNG as they were a cheap way to add detail to a set. I'd also try out some rectangular glass panels on the floor, going from the center towards the side windows, similarly to the glass flooring surounding the warp core.
  10. C-Dub

    C-Dub Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Nov 8, 2023
    That ceiling is just right
    Jedman67 and Mr. Phreez like this.
  11. ashleytinger

    ashleytinger Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 1, 2016
    Big Four Bridge
    Question about the design... what happens when the grav plating ceases to function?
    Jedman67 likes this.
  12. Professor Moriarty

    Professor Moriarty Rice Admiral Premium Member

    Sep 7, 2001
    System L-374
    Party time!! :beer:
    Jedman67 likes this.
  13. blssdwlf

    blssdwlf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 26, 2010
    It will turn into a blob of water like in the movie Passengers and any person or animal caught in it will drown?
  14. Mr. Phreez

    Mr. Phreez Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Nov 8, 2023
    I like the grating idea - in my head cannon I assume there would be an instant force field that could be activated that contained the water in the event of severe movement - and assuming nobody was in the way.

    You like the tones currently? Fascinating - I liked it to begin but now it feels a little "unfinished" I don't know. But yeah I am curious about transporter room green. I might do a few options and maybe put it to a vote here in another post.

    So glad to hear, I was hoping to get that feel, especially with the ceiling redesign. I like the idea of plexi-glass. @Rekkert mentioned something similar - and I'm really liking this idea. There is a room below this one, which the wet/dry access extends down into. So it would be neat to see down into that room much like in engineering.

    I really ... really like this idea. I think it is what is needed to add a little more visual geometry to the room. It feels dull at the moment and glass/plexiglass would add some nice dynamics with the lighting.

    I read this response yesterday but I read it "The ceiling just isn't right". I thought about it ALL night and wondered why. I logged back in ready to dive into this critique and explore some ideas - then I realized I read it wrong. LOL. I am REALLY glad you like the ceiling. It was a sudden moment of deleting meshes in a frenzy and a quick redesign.

    The room goes from serious scientific research to a breath holding contest location?

    I like to imagine some sort of field that could be put in place to hold the water down at the wet/dry access point. But yeah - I wonder what the in-canon fix for that is.
  15. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    At my age, I always check on where the bathroom is, and on Starships, this is no small feat...:brickwall:
  16. TroiFan4ever

    TroiFan4ever Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 30, 2011
    Philadelphia, PA

    Is this still an active project being worked on? I must say, having skimmed through all 9 pages of this thread, I must say, your 3d renditions of the Enterprise-D corridors are gorgeously realistic!

    Apologies if this was answered already (I searched but came short and of course I'm not interested in reading every single response in this thread word for word) but if you don't mind me asking which modeling software did you model the corridors in?

    I'd been working on my own version of the corridors in Blender and my main focus is the Paramount Stage 9 version of corridor set we saw on TNG. Unfortunately however my laptop decided to give out and fell apart on me and have not yet had a chance to get it fixed but I can't wait to get back to it when I do get it fixed. I feel like I can learn a lot from you in terms of how beautifully you do the lighting for the corridors.

    I do want to eventually move on to modeling full decks and full-length corridors as depicted in the Sternbach plans but that's AFTER I've finished recreating the Stage 9 corridor first.

    Did you do the final render in Unreal Engine? I swear the end result in the screenshots looks so beautifully realistic that i would've though these were screenshots from the show! My only criticism though is that you have circles on that light strip behind the slanted wall panel that's touching the floor. I believe those were squares but other than that it's absolutely breathtaking how real it all looks (the Enterprise-D interiors in that Stage 9 simulation project we had didn't Even look this good) and I especially love your door to Cetacean Ops!

    When I was working on my version in Blender I had a bit of trouble with doing glass shaders and I don't yet know how to make light shine through glass or frosted glass but I'm sure there are tutorials for that on YouTube. But I would love to experiment with the lighting when I get my laptop fix and resume working on mine.

    Cheers! :beer::bolian:
  17. Mr. Phreez

    Mr. Phreez Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Nov 8, 2023
    Hello @TroiFan4ever

    Yes, this project is still under development! It has slowed down a bit however due to some personal illnesses, blaa blaa.. However - I am still actively working on this and actually just made a few additions to the project yesterday and today (look for the updates towards the beginning of next week).

    First - thank you for all your compliments. I worked VERY hard on the hallways and it is the project I am most proud of having made. I wish I could live in those hallways. Something about them just makes me feel calm and ok. I digress...

    I used Blender for the entire project (aside from creating a few custom textures in photoshop). Rendering was done in Blender as well with a sampling of 2048 (some people may think this is a bit unnecessary, but I think my renders speak for themselves.)

    With the lighting - if you have any questions about modeling in general or want some tips I'd be more than happy to help you, just send me a DM.