Star Trek: Voyager - The Guardian

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Dingo, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Dingo

    Dingo Captain Captain

    Mar 14, 2009
    Prologue: A Rescuer's Soul

    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek: Voyager. The characters of LTJG Carl Peter Stevens and LT Deborah Kinnian are my creation

    A/N: This story doesn't take place in the same timeline as my rather controversial Shadows of the War fic and takes place in the alternate unverse of my fic Dark Realm.


    "There is a legend of a man who lives beneath the sea. He is a fisher of men, the last hope of all those who have been left behind. Many survivors claim to have felt his gripping hands beneath them; pushing them up to the surface; whispering strength until help could arrive. But this, of course, is only a legend." ASTCS (NAC/SAR) Benjamin Randall, US Coast Guard, 2006.


    Starfleet Academy, 2362: "First squad." Cadet David Gilbert, the squad leader for a squad of ten cadets, "listen up. This is Ensign Deborah Kinnian, recently graduated. To be like her is your long term goal. Getting comissioned isn't a short term goal. It's a long term goal. Especially long term for you plebes..."

    "Thanks David." Deborah replied. She was a Caucasian woman with a suntanned complexion, with clear blue eyes and a lean frame: "I just graduated a few months ago. And what Cadet Whitehurst was saying is very important. Dreams are what keep you going through some of the tough times you're sure to face. I always dreamed about piloting small craft, of being a pilot and that's where I'm going to next. To train to fly. What are some of your dreams? Cadet Davidson?"

    "I want to be an engineer, sir." Cadet Lonnie Davidson replied.

    "Why engineering?" Deborah asked.

    "I've been interested in technology since I was a boy, sir."

    "What about you, Cadet Mokolo?"

    "I want to go into exo-biology, sir." The large African replied.

    "Is there any particular reason you're interested in exo-biology?" Deborah asked.

    "My parents worked all over Africa studying the wildlife of the area. Their field was of interest to me but I wanted to see what life exists off earth, sir." Mokolo replied.

    "What about you Cadet Stevens?" Deborah asked.

    "I want to go into Search and Rescue, sir." Stevens replied.

    "You know that the training pipeline has one of the highest failure rates in Starfleet, right?" Cadet Gilbert intervened.

    "Yes sir. I'm aware of it." Stevens replied.

    "Why are you interested in Search and Rescue?" Deborah asked.

    "I was drawn to the motto: So Others May Live." Stevens replied.

    "Good luck Mr. Stevens." Deborah replied.


    "It's been said that the 3rd Battalion, First Order got the best of the war. We also got the worst. On New Grozny the the Maquis dug their heels into the many great cities on that colony world and dared the Cardasssian Union to come after them. So we did. Only to be met with month after month of brutal street to street combat, sudden ambushes, and violent house by house actions. We treated them to a dose of our motto: Death to All." - Anonymous Cardassian Soldier.

    New Grozny Colony, Demilitarized Zone, 2371: Lieutenant Deborah Kinnian opened her eyes slowly and surveyed the wreckage of the inside of her Runabout, USS Thames. She could see Lieutenant j.g. Fowler, the co-pilot, was dead. His face had been smashed against the instrument panel.

    She turned around and saw that both of the two Search and Rescue specialists in the back of the craft were dead. Both of them had been thrown clear of their seats by the shock of the crash.

    She moved her body cautiously to check for injuries. Aside from a shallow but bloody cut above her left eye she seemed to be alright.

    Already she could see that the Thames was completely unserviceable. The fuel cells had likely been ruptured in the crash and the beeping sound that had awakened her was letting her know that an explosion was imminent.

    She grabbed a small survival bag and said a silent prayer for the three dead crewmembers before getting out of the wreck.

    The mission to recover a Starfleet Intelligence Agent who had vital information on both Cardassian and Maquis intentions in the DMZ had gone horribly wrong. The last thing she remembered was a Cardassian micro-torpedo headed right for the runabout and the sudden impact. It was as she and Fowler fought to control the Runabout's violent descent that she had blacked out.

    She tried to get comms with the USS Sentinel, operating on the Federation side of the DMZ. No signal.

    It was around that same moment that the small readout screen on the tactical tricorder on her hip flashed to life.

    She grabbed it and saw a text message: Forget trying to contact the Sentinel. There's a Cardassian barrage jamming field all over this whole area.

    She ran the last few hundred meters away from the wrecked runabout before it exploded. Who was this guy...

    She put in a reply and sent it. Who are you? How do you know all of this?

    The reply came swiftly: That's not important right now. What is important is the Cardassians are sure to be very interested in Starfleet pilots carrying out clandestine missions in the DMZ. I'm betting fairly good money that the Obsidian Order interrogators would be especially willing to get a hold of you. And don't think that the peace treaty will mean that they won't make you disappear or claim you were already dead when they got a hold of you. I'm willing to help you but you must listen.

    Deborah composed a reply as she looked worriedly: How do I know you're not just going to lead me into their hands?

    A reply was quickly forthcoming: Four words that I take seriously: So Others May Live...Now you'd best get going. I can see you but you can't see me. I can thus see the Cardassian patrol that is heading for the wreckage as we speak. There's an arroyo about six kilometers away. It should provide enough shelter for the rest of the day.

    Deborah could hear the sounds of the Cardassians moving around the brush. She moved quietly as she remembered lessons from the Starfleet survival course. She hunkered down in a shallow depression as a Cardassian soldier walked by. He scanned the area and Deborah willed herself to be as quiet as she could. She could hear her heartbeat hammering in her ears and was convinced the Cardassian standing right next to the depression could hear it.

    The Cardassian moved away and it was several long moments before she began her trek towards that arroyo her mysterious rescuer had just recommended...
  2. Dingo

    Dingo Captain Captain

    Mar 14, 2009
    Rescuer's Soul, Part II

    New Grozny Colony, Demilitarized Zone, 2371: "Stevens," Chakotay asked as he walked into the shell of the half destroyed house that former Starfleet Search and Rescue operative Carl Stevens had used as a shelter, "I wonder why this particular lost Starfleet pilot is any interest to you."

    "It could benefit us, sir." Stevens replied.

    "You're saying," B'Elanna Torres remarked, "That using our scarce time and resources to help a Starfleet pilot escape will benefit us? Have you checked the fact that you're no longer Starfleet Search and Rescue but a Maquis?"

    "I have, and I maintain if we help her we help ourselves." Stevens continued.

    "Elaborate." Chakotay said.

    "Chakotay, you can't seriously be considering this." B'Elanna countered.

    "Well, if Starfleet learns that the Maquis saved one of their downed aircrew, whom judging by the fact that she wasn't beamed out immediately after the fact means she was on a deniable mission, it might curry favor with Starfleet." Stevens replied, "It will show them that we're not the bad guys."

    "Chakotay..." B'Elanna began.

    "It would be most illogical that Starfleet would stop pursuing us in their entirety." Tuvok chimed in.

    "That's true. But we're sending a gesture to Starfleet that though a number of us have left its ranks, we're not letting the Obsidian Order capture and interrogate one of them." Stevens replied.

    "Alright Stevens. I'll let you continue on. But you'll be on your own for this one." Chakotay said.

    "Just let Reese keep working with me." Stevens said, referring to a lanky, balding fellow standing guard: "We worked together when we were with the 172nd Search and Rescue Squadron."

    "Agreed. But you're both on your own for this op." Chakotay said before he walked off.


    Starfleet Academy, 2362: "These subspace infrared alogorhythms are a headache..." Cadet Carl Stevens grumbled.

    "They're not that difficult." Ensign Deborah Kinnian replied: "You just have to remember ZGIF, Zero G is Fun. Zero particle derivation, Gamma wave frequency, Ion distribution, Flow rate of positrons. All four equations are interlinked."

    "You explain it really well. You think you might teach at some point?" Carl asked.

    "I've thought about it. But I've gotta be a student again first for flight training. So two months later are you still serious about Search and Rescue?" Deborah asked.

    "Never more serious have I been." Carl replied.


    New Grozny, Demilitirized Zone, 2371: The wreckage of two nearby farmhouses still smoldered somewhat as Deborah went deeper into the woods. Habitation meant people and people meant potentially hostile personnel.

    She heard movement half a kilometer from the arroyo and ducked into another nearby depression at the base of two large trees. Another message appeared on her tricorder screen.

    I've got Cardassians headed your way. It looks like a search team. About seven personnel in uniform plus a couple chaps in civilian attire. Very likely Obsidian Order field agents.

    Deborah felt her blood turn to ice. Obsidian Order. Cardassian intelligence. She harbored no illusions what they'd do to a captured.

    I've given them your position...

    Deborah felt that any second that the Cardassians would come over and grab her and wondered if they'd kill her quickly after their interrogators had finished with her and...

    ...not your position now but the one I'd given you. All they are going to find is a holoprojector and a nasty little surprise...

    Deborah began to compose a message of her own: Just where am I supposed to go now?

    The message came back: Wait till you hear the blasts and the Cardassians retreat. There's a small water purfication plant on the far end of the arroyo. Cross the arroyo and climb out the small ladder on the other end.

    Deborah fired another question back: The Cardassians are hanging around the arroyo though...they could spot me...

    Not neccessarily.
    Came the reply onto her tricorder screen: There's dense vegitation at the bottom of that arroyo and besides in about two seconds they won't be hanging around the arroyo...

    There was a loud and vicious bang that sounded about half a kilometer away from Deborah's position just then.
  3. Dingo

    Dingo Captain Captain

    Mar 14, 2009
    Rescuer's Soul, Part III

    New Grozny, Demilitarized Zone, 2371: Gul Evek glared angrily at Glinn Tak as his subordinate walked into his command post.

    "You lost three men to a booby trap." Evek began: "How can one Starfleet pilot, lost and isolated cause you to lose three soldiers of the First Order?"

    "She clearly had help." Tak replied with a protest.

    "From whom? The USS Sentinel has not moved from the Federation side of the DMZ." Evek said.

    "So we can rule out the Federation assisting her." Tak said: "What of the Maquis?"

    "The Maquis would have reasons for her capture not her escape." Evek said.

    "Yes. But bear in mind the Maquis cells don't always agree on things. There are plenty of former Starfleet officers in the Maquis. Perhaps one of them has temporarily renounced his loyalties to the Maquis and decided to help her for whatever reason." Tak said.

    "Hmm. Chakotay's Maquis cell has been known to be active in this area." Evek said.

    "A number of Chakotay's men are former Starfleet personnel." Tak replied.

    "Run a search on Chakotay's team. Look up any former Starfleet personnel...see if one of them has some sort of hero complex. The second we cut that pilot off from support she's ours." Evek said, "And we can find out about who the double agent she was on the mission to recover is."


    New Grozny, Demilitarized Zone, 2371: Deborah Kinnian ducked as she heard the sound of the explosion. I don't think the Cardassians will be returning to the area in some time it should be safe...The message flashed across the screen of her tricorder.

    She headed for the arroyo and began to climb down the steep cliff into the arroyo. And it wasn't a moment too soon. As she ducked behind some scraggly looking scrub brush she saw a group of a dozen or so Maquis fighters.

    Don't make a move. Those men are some of former Captain Cal Hudson's element. While I'm certain they won't kill you you can guarantee they'll capture you and use you to obtain the release of some Maquis detainees. the message flashed across her screen.

    Why did you lead me down here? Deborah typed the message onto her tricorder.

    Believe me there are differences between our cells. Cal wants to capture you. My cell leader is supporting my mission to get you out of here. The message flashed across her screen.

    Why should I trust you? Deborah asked.

    The Maquis fighters were standing about fifteen paces away. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She was still winded from the climb down into the arroyo but she struggled to control her breathing. She didn't dare breathe any louder than shallow and small breaths. She glanced up and saw the fighters armed with a wide assortment of Federation, Cardassian, Klingon and other weapons she couldn't quite identify.

    It was then that she saw Cal Hudson standing there. He was still as imposing and impressive a presence as ever, like he was when he was her senior flight instructor.

    A Maquis fighter wielding a TR-116 stood atop the arroyo and held up the remains of a holoprojector.

    "Looks like somebody bushwhacked the Cardies real good Cal!" the fighter shouted from above.

    "Three dead and a lot of blood trails." Another fighter, a female Bajoran, added.

    "Also the remains of a holoprojector's up here." the one with the TR-116 added.

    "Alright. Fan out. I want that pilot yesterday." Hudson commanded.

    The Maquis were searching the arroyo and Deborah felt her heartrate increase. She was certain the sound of her heart beating was giving her away.

    "Boss!" the Bajoran female shouted: "I've got a life sign about six meters from your position."

    Deborah's heart sank. The Maquis must've figured other ways around the barrage jamming both sides had put into effect on each others sensors and transporters. The reason that she was able to communicate with her mysterious rescuer was because of the low frequency datalink function of the tricorder tended to be overlooked when planning to create jamming fields.

    Two Maquis fighters leveled Klingon disruptors from about twelve paces away. A third and forth fighter went behind the stand of brush.

    "We've got you surrounded. You've got no place to go..." Cal Hudson said: "Show yourself."

    Out of options Deborah crawled out of the brush and two more fighters grabbed either arm and dragged her out entirely. Dusty and exhausted she was manhandled to her knees as one of the Maquis started to bind her wrists behind her with a pair of metallic binders.

    "LT Kinnian," Cal Hudson began: "It appears we've crossed paths again."

    Deborah blinked in the harsh light of the sun and shook from just sheer terror. What would these Maquis do to her?

    One Maquis held a weapon on her while the other, an older and somewhat pudgy human female began to frisk her and opened her jacket to check for any hidden objects.

    "Get her ready to travel." Hudson replied.

    "Certainly." A pockmarked faced human male said and slid a black bag over Deborah's head.

    Strong arms manhandled her to her feet as she was marched out of the canyon. A strong arm, the female's, was wedged underneath Deborah's bound arms just above her right elbow. The hand clamped firmly on her shoulder.

    Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Carl Stevens thought as he watched Cal Hudson's band depart the canyon.

    "How the hell did they find her with that scanner? I thought the Cardies had that sensor jamming field in this area." Stevens said as he turned to Reese.

    "I got an odd reading on my tricorder. It showed the Cardassian jamming field dropping for a grand total of half an hour. That's how Hudson's band was able to find her." Reese replied.

    "Hmm. That would imply a double agent must've fed the Cardassians some information to drop their jamming field." Stevens said.

    "Where did you get that idea?" Reese asked: "And those are fellow Maquis that have her."

    "Think about it. The Cardassians drop their jamming for half an hour and within that timeframe a Maquis element with a scanner locates our pilot." Stevens replied: "That would entail someone must've given the Cardassians that idea."

    "It could be maintenance." Reese said with a shrug.

    "I don't think so. Somehow someone wanted to capture her with the aid of scanners and the Cardassians drop their jamming around the same time that our pilot is in the arroyo. And I seem to recall the saying get a dog to eat a dog."

    "So the Cardies can raid Hudson's camp and snatch the pilot. Basically making our sister cell do our dirty work? Smart." Reese replied.

    "We gotta be smart and yank her out of there." Stevens replied.

    "One thing's for sure, Cal's gonna be pissed at us." Reese grumbled.

    "I can live with that." Stevens replied.


    With the bag covering her head Deborah couldn't see where they were headed. Judging from the distance and where she could feel the sun striking her body she could guess they were walking east more or less.

    And they were going a good distance judging from the frequency of breaks the group took. They'd walked she estimated about two hours. They'd raised the bag up to her nose to let her drink water or eat a little something and that was only because Cal Hudson insisted they do so.

    To run would be a bad idea. She couldn't see where she was going. And she could stumble and break her leg or fall down a cliff or worse. But training did tell her the best time to escape is as close to the initial moment of capture as possible.

    "We're moving again puta." the woman that had been her guard said and manhandled her to her feet as the continued to walk.

    As they continued to walk Deborah let her mind wander to other times for a bit. Remembering how she encountered the formidable Cal Hudson as a flight intstructor.


    Earth Station, 2362:
    "You came in too hot when you landed." Lieutenant Commander Cal Hudson said to Ensign Deborah Kinnian when they stepped out of the shuttlecraft: "You just about gave the Flight Deck Chief a heartattack."

    "I was compensating for the faulty plasma injector in the stabilizers. If I went in at minimum power we could've had an oscilation in mid-hangar." Deborah replied.

    "I see your point but perhaps asking for a tractor assist would have been a more prudent option." Hudson challenged.

    "Sir, I disagree. We won't always have a tractor assist..." Deborah began.

    "Noted. I'm giving you a pass for this flight but I'm noting the fact that you pulled too hot of a landing into the record." Hudson replied.

    Cardassian Headquarters, 2371: Gul Evek smiled and said: "It appears our agent has been quite helpful in locating and assisting a Maquis cell to capture our errant pilot."

    "Very good sir." Tak said: "Shall I have the men ready to intercept?"

    "Not yet." Evek said: "Let the voles return to their nest and believe they got lucky and then raid the area. Have the men ready."

    "Yes sir." Tak said: "And might I ask who this mysterious source is?"

    "You know better than that. I won't reveal the individual who helped us. You'll know who to pay for this information when the time comes." Evek replied.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  4. Dingo

    Dingo Captain Captain

    Mar 14, 2009
    Rescuer's Soul, Part IV

    New Grozny, Demilitarized Zone, 2371: "Stevens you've got a lot of nerve..." Cal Hudson began as he noticed the former Starfleet Search and Rescue operatives approaching his position.

    "Well the situation requires a good deal of nerve." Stevens replied: "We believe the Cardassians are planning to attack you guys."

    From near the campfire with the bag still over her head Deborah could hear the conversation. She recognized the voice of Carl Stevens straight away. She'd known him as a cadet and a young ensign.

    "Look Stevens. Your stock with me isn't exactly that high. Considering you tried to sneak a Starfleet pilot past me." Hudson said.

    "Which is exactly why the Cardassians want to attack this encampment. She's they're main objective." Stevens argued back.

    "You're lucky Chakotay and some of your cell are here to vouch for you. Otherwise I'd have disarmed you and Reese and had you join the prisoner." Hudson replied.

    "Look. This isn't her fight. Just let her get to Federation space safely and leave it at that!" Stevens argued.

    "They have a number of us detained." Macha Hernandez, one of the other Maquis fighters said: "They might be willing to negotiate for her release."

    Seska observed the group arguing amongst themselves and she walked casually by the campfire before 'accidentally' tripping and falling onto the prisoner.

    Deborah felt the body fall on top of her and heard the woman, a newcomer she didn't recognize apologize profusely to her. She felt hands brushing dust off of her body before the woman walked away.

    Seska walked off and smiled. Just inside the Starfleet officer's tunic she'd placed a small isolinear tag. She keyed her comlink twice in her pocket.


    Sometime later: "Looks like your gambit didn't work too well Stevens." Chakotay said.

    "We've got to get her out of here." Stevens replied.

    "Why do you care so much about this particular pilot?" Chakotay asked.

    "Look Chakotay, she's not part of our conflict. If we let her go unharmed to the Federation it's a gesture of good will on our part." Stevens replied.

    "Convincing Cal Hudson otherwise might be difficult. And there really is nothing we can do. Hudson's cell has her and that's who she'll stay with." Chakotay said.

    "Give me twenty-four hours and I can negotiate her release." Stevens replied.

    "Stevens, you have twelve." Chakotay said: "We lift ship in twelve hours. We've got to distract the Cardassians long enough for the refugee convoy to escape."

    "Roger." Stevens replied.

    Chakotay and Seska left the encampment just then and Reese spoke: "Doesn't give us much time to negotiate."

    "We'll have to exploit the raid then." Stevens whisperred.

    "Grab her in the confusion and make a run for it? Risky." Reese said.

    "It's our best option." Stevens replied.

    "What are you two doing still here?" Macha Hernandez said as she walked over to them.

    "We're here to assist with the interrogation of the prisoner." Stevens remarked.

    Hernandez regarded them suspiciously: "And I'm the tooth fairy. I trust both of you as far as I can throw you."

    "Fair enough." Stevens replied.

    Deborah tested her restraints again for the third time in as many minutes. She knew it was fruitless. They were a light alloy compound and were electronically locked. She heard the rattle of a toolkit when that woman that stumbled fell on her. Maybe there was a fusion cutter in there.

    I'd more likely cut off my own hand if I could even work the thing at all. Deborah thought wryly.

    It was around then that the phaser fire sounded as Cardassians appeared in the Maquis encampment. Phaser blasts sounded. The sounds of fighting could be heard and it was then that Deborah felt strong arms haul her to her feet.

    "Trust me." She heard the voice somewhat distorted through the cloth of the bag.

    Before she could protest she felt herself falling through the air with the arm still wrapped around her waistline. The impact of hitting the water of the river below felt like hitting concrete and she flailed for a moment before she felt the strong arm snake over her neck and across her chest. The hand gripped just under her left breast and she could feel the swimmer's hip in the small of her back. With powerful kicks she felt herself being dragged through the water.

    "Take a deep breath." Stevens said.

    "Wh-what?" Deborah said.

    "We're going under..." Stevens replied.

    Deborah complied wondering what insane thing was going to happen next.

    Stevens dove underwater and carried her along with him for about ten meters before he surfaced near a riverbank. He dragged her onto the bank and yanked the bag away from her head.

    "Hold still." Stevens said as he reached into a tool pouch on his belt and took a small fusion cutter out and removed her manacles.

    Deborah rubbed her wrists and hugged her arms together for body heat.

    Reese came out of the brush carrying a large bag and a scanner. He aimed the scanner towards her and the device beeped.

    "She's got an isolinear tag attached to her. It's her jacket." Reese replied.

    "Alright. Get rid of the tunic." Stevens replied. At Deborah's reluctance he added: "I won't let you freeze."

    She shed her outer tunic and threw it into the brush. Stevens took a large black Starfleet issue microfiber fleece jacket and handed it to Deborah. She accepted the coat and slid it on as they headed further west.


    "Where are we going?" Deborah asked Stevens as the three of them sat in the shade of a tree.

    "Towards the New Grozny colony's main settlement." Stevens replied.

    "Isn't that where the worst of the fighting is?" Deborah asked.

    "Exactly. My plan is to smuggle you out with a group of refugees." Stevens replied.

    "There's a refugee camp nearby." Reese said.

    "OK. But how are you going to assure other Maquis aren't going to try what that other cell did?" Deborah asked.

    "We'll stay with you." Stevens said: "There's a Peregrine class courier ship that we've configured as a blockade runner. Can you fly it?"

    "I'm sure I can." Deborah replied.

    "Good. Reese and I will get you into our perimeter and to the ship." Stevens replied.

    "How long till we reach the city?" Deborah replied.

    "Just listen for the fighting." Stevens replied wryly and indicated a plasma torpedo streaking into the heavens.

    "What's going on?" Deborah asked.

    "Damn. They must be trying to speed up the evacuation timetable. We can only stand up to the Cardassians for so long." Stevens said: "We've got to get going."

    "Stick to cover when we get closer to the city." Stevens replied.

    Stevens motioned for them to freeze. Nearby a squad of Cardassians walked past. Judging by the scanner readout Deborah could see the electronic countermeasures the Maquis were using were effective.

    A Glinn went to give a command to one of his soldiers when his skull was literally split open by a TR-116 round. The Cardassians went to ground as the sniper took another shot.

    A Cardassian hover-tank moved into position and fired a plasma round into the building the sniper fired from, leveling it.

    Another wounded Maquis fighter crawled from the wreckage only to be grabbed and shot dead on top of a pile of rubble.

    A fireteam of Cardassians walked beside a low wall when a firebomb was thrown by a Maquis fighter over it. Flaming liquid enveloped two of the Cardassians who ran screaming like humanoid torches.

    Another Cardassian soldier threw a grenade over the wall which exploded. A long and pained human scream could be heard before it was terminated by a phaser shot.

    Stevens motioned for them to go down into the tunnels below. His phaser was drawn as was Reese's. Reese went down first followed by Deborah and then by Stevens.

    Literally a millisecond after the tunnel shook with a violent blast.

    "The Cardies keep shelling this place more and more and we fight like rats in the rubble." Reese mused: "We've put so much into making a stand at New Grozny to let the refugees escape. So many resources."

    Two Maquis fighters ran by them, haggard and worn. One, an older man in his fifties, stopped.

    "Where are you guys going? They need every man they can spare at the Third Transportation Juncture." the fighter said.

    "We're escorting her to the evacuation site. She was a straggler we found in the ruins." Stevens responded.

    "Hell of a place to be stranded." the fighter replied: "The Cardies overran Juncture One. They executed everyone they found alive in there."

    "Bastards." Stevens replied.

    Another blast shook the tunnel and a bloodied and harried Bajoran fighter ran past them.

    "Juncture Two's been overrun." the Bajoran said. His face was bloodied.

    "How many survivors?" the older man said.

    "Just me as far as I can tell." the Bajoran said and he spied Deborah: "Who's she?"

    "She's the governor's daughter in law." Stevens interjected: "We have specific orders to escort her to the evacuation area."

    "Which one?" the older man said.

    "Alpha site." Stevens replied.

    "Better hurry your ass. The Cardassians are amassing to hit Third Juncture hard." the older man said before turning to Deborah: "I'm so sorry a young person like yourself had to get caught up in all this."

    The group continued towards the Juncture. The old man and the other fighter with him headed down the left tunnel.

    When they were alone Stevens said: "If they're lucky only one of those three fighters will get out of here alive."

    The tunnels shook violently again and a Maquis fighter ran behind them only to be cut down in a hail of phaser fire.

    "Reese! Get her to the hangar bay ASAP!" Stevens said.

    "What are you going to do?" Deborah asked.

    "I'm going to stall them but I don't want you anywhere near this area when I do." Stevens replied.

    "This way." Reese said and escorted Deborah behind a side tunnel.

    Stevens could see the Cardassians headed his way as he fired his phaser into the ceiling of the tunnel and it was the sound of falling rocks that prompted him to turn and run to his own safety.


    Deborah saw the hordes of terrified refugees boarding the eccletic assortment of spacecraft in the hangar. She didn't need LT Stadi's empathic abilities to feel the sheer terror and desperation inside the area.

    "This way." Reese said again and tugged her left arm to show her a side cavern where a Peregrine class courier waited. She climbed into the cabin.

    "Thank you." she said to Reese.

    "Be safe." Reese replied.

    Deborah was all business when the hatch closed. She did her pre-flight checks and powered the maneuvering thrusters. She lifted off among several of the transports into high orbit.

    She saw several Cardassian and Maquis ships fighting. A Cardassian task force was pursuing a group of Maquis raiders.

    Several plasma torpedoes streaked from the planet's surface. Only a few in number but they appeared to have a good fire control system as a Cardassian patrol ship spun into the gravity well, practically gutted by two such blasts.

    Deborah knew that fire was instantly extinguished by space's cold vaccuum but she could imagine the oxygen laden decks where people were burning alive.

    A Maquis transport was being fired on by a pursuing Cardassian Galor class ship. A lone and heavily damaged raider threw itself into a kamikaze run at the Cardassian ship. The Cardassian vessel continued on it's course and collided with the transport which exploded.

    Deborah could feel the debris smashing into the Peregrine's shields as she pushed the little ship to its maximum velocity...


    USS Voyager, Federation Side of the DMZ: "Captain." LT Peter Durst said from the tactical console: "I'm holding an unidentified contact, a Peregrine Class Courier ship heading towards us at warp 7.9. I must mention that these sort of ships have been in use by the Maquis as light fighters."

    "Go to Yellow Alert." Janeway began: "Lieutenant Stadi set an intercept course. Durst, hail them."

    "Yes ma'am." Stadi said.

    "Hailing frequencies open, Captain." Durst began.

    "Maquis vessel, this is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager. Power down your engines and lower your shields." Janeway began.

    "We're receiving an incoming hail." Durst said.

    "Onscreen." Janeway replied.

    On the screen was the face of LT Deborah Kinnian, "Captain, I am complying."

    "LT Kinnian? We heard the Thames had been destroyed and feared the worst." Janeway said.

    "It's a long story." Deborah replied: "But I'd like to tell it onboard."

    "Granted. We're opening the shuttlebay and maneuvering to give you access." Janeway replied: "Commander Kavit you have the bridge. Mr. Durst you're with me."


    Shuttlebay: Peter Durst had to use every ounce of his Starfleet training not to nearly burst with delight when he saw Deborah was alive and well. She was exhausted and somewhat tired looking but she was alive.

    "Lieutenant. Welcome back." Janeway said.

    "It's good to be back." Deborah replied.

    "I'll expect a debrief from you in the morning, but after you visit Sickbay for a medical check you're free for the day." Janeway replied.

    Janeway returned to the bridge before turning to Durst: "You can take an hour. I'll have Lieutenant Baxter cover tactical."

    [LEFT]"Thank you, Captain." Durst replied.

    When they were alone Durst threw his arms around his girlfriend and kissed her gently on the lips. Deborah returned the kiss and they headed for sickbay.

    "I'm so glad you're alright." Durst replied: "When the Thames was destroyed I feared the worst."

    "I'm here now." Deborah said as she clasped Peter's hand as they headed towards Sickbay.