Excelsior Audio Drama In Production


The guys who are doing the real work are probably rather busy right now, so I'm taking the liberty of letting everyone know that production is under way on the online radio drama U.S.S. Excelsior.

If you'd like to learn more about the project here is a brand new web page: http://excelsiorproductions.us.to/

And if you check out the cast list, you might see a familiar name listed under "narrator"! ;)
Cool! Looking forward to it. In the world of fan productions, audio dramas have been sorely lacking in the genre. But given some good actors and some decent audio production values, some good products can definitely be had. Just look at those Doctor Who guys...

How well the series does depends on the script. If you don't have a good one, nothing's gonna happen. I can say that I enjoyed the script and feel it laid a good foundation for the series.

Certainly in an audio drama, the right voices are critical. All I can say is I hope I can justify the confidence TPTB have shown in me.
After 17 years we're still going strong with a new episode in the final stages of post-production and another about to begin pre-production! What a long, strange trip it's been....
I don't know which day it will be, but I just recorded the opening and closing credits for the upcoming episode called "The Witness". That's almost always the last step of post-production release. You have been warned!
I don't know which day it will be, but I just recorded the opening and closing credits for the upcoming episode called "The Witness". That's almost always the last step of post-production release. You have been warned!
These days I get more warnings than you can shake a Tribble at.