He does agree with most scientific authorities that intelligent design should not be taught in schools as science. For that, we should be truly thankful.
There are three flavors of creationists—young earth, old-earth, and “fully gifted creationists” who take whatever science says as a divine playbook—just short of deists. (Providentialists).
I think a way to talk about abiogenesis is to ask if supernatural beings cause the lime encrustations inside the faucets of creationists. No? Then talk about smokers and Unilever nozzles—and double helix vortices—one creationist didn’t think nature could do those.
Did the supernatural do tornado outbreaks? or was it just blind nature that allows rain and funnels to fall on the just and unjust.
The biggest opening may be due to COVID.
I can just hear an individual talk about Fauci or someone with gain of function research: “One of these days, a white-coat’s lab is going to churn up some superbug *by accident*
A proponent of abiogenesis then says “bingo—that’s all we are talking about here.”
An early Earth hostile to existing life is close to what you see in labs…violent, churning—not a “warm pond” where something just happens.
I don’t blame folks for not buying into that.
Bob Ballard’s discovery of smokers and tubeworms is the best thing to happen since Darwin’s finches.
Something else to consider:
In the popular American imagination, an atheist is not someone who doesn’t believe in the divine—that’s Uncle Bob who drinks and doesn’t go to church.
No, an atheist is Lestat…a powdered wig wearing slave-owner who wears puffy shirts and is a member of a Hellfire club—a social darwinist who looks down upon the populace even as did Gorgeous George (a wrestler who was also a shrink).
Bill Maher said it best when he said “we’re atheists, not vampires.”
Williams Jennings Bryan—though wrong—had his heart in the right place. He feared social darwinists as being corrosive. It wasn’t just religious intolerance.
The evolution OF evolution is interesting that way. A lot of skeptics are libertarians who also have few ties to their fellow man.
There was a movie about Darwin a decade or two back where Toby Jones played Huxley almost as a villain.
That baggage has tainted things ever since.
For years, the only free thought movement had nothing but scowling men behind it.
Then came folks like Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Adam Savage.
They knew how to share wonder—but more importantly…
They knew how to smile.