Contest: VOTE Which Federation Starship Class is your favourite and why?

Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by USS Artorius, Jan 18, 2023.


Which is your personal favourite?

  1. NX Class

  2. Consitution Class

  3. Connie Refit

  4. Excelsior Class

  5. Excelsior Class Refit

  6. Ambassador Class

  7. Ambassador Class Refit

  8. Galaxy Class

  9. Intrepid Class

  10. Defiant Class

  11. Sovereign Class

  12. Luna Class

  13. Miranda Class

  14. Constellation Class

  15. ST FC ships

  16. BOBW ships

  17. FASA Design

  18. Something Else

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  1. publiusr

    publiusr Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2010
    That was a monitor IIRC
  2. Ithekro

    Ithekro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 5, 2012
    Republic of California
    Yes, a FASA designed monitor. Lots of phasers.
  3. IRW Bloodwing

    IRW Bloodwing Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 17, 2021
    The way I've been given to understand it, Orion predates Galaxy by the better part of a decade. She's about the same size as Ambassador, and was used as a testbed for systems integration in the final Galaxy design, just on a smaller scale (Same computers, just 2 instead of 3 cores, same tactical systems, just with less capacity, same warp and impulse engines [again at slightly less capacity], etc). Doing this gave them time to work out most of the bugs in sofware, etc.

    In the universe where Orion exists, they would have assumed many of the systems tests that the USS Pegasus did in canon (I never liked the idea that a tiny little Oberth could test systems for a class the size of Galaxy.) The production run could continue that role as test-bed for future modifications of her big sisters' systems, as well as serving as training ships for future Galaxy crews.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
    USS Artorius likes this.
  4. IRW Bloodwing

    IRW Bloodwing Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 17, 2021
    The Sternbach one, seen here:
    Bry_Sinclair and USS Artorius like this.
  5. Satellite of Love

    Satellite of Love Lieutenant Junior Grade Newbie

    Apr 26, 2024
    Low Earth Orbit
    Big fan of the Typhon-class starship from the old video game "Star Trek Invasion".
    James Swallow likes this.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2004
    Now there's a deep cut. A very simultaneously Starfleet-looking and not Starfleet-looking ship at the same time.
    I always quite liked the idea of "fortress mode." It also helps explain why it looks like it does.
  7. Satellite of Love

    Satellite of Love Lieutenant Junior Grade Newbie

    Apr 26, 2024
    Low Earth Orbit
    I've always paired it up with at least 3 Defiant-class as escorts in combat operations for RPGs.
  8. Macintosh

    Macintosh Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 22, 2022
    I was torn between the Excelsior and the Galaxy. In the end I had to go for the Galaxy.
    Praetor likes this.
  9. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ensign Newbie

    The Galaxy class will always feel like home, but the Constitution refit was always the prettiest.

    I can't justify it, but it just looks perfect from every angle.
    Praetor likes this.