Vic Fontaine almost ruined DS9.

I've reached that point in my rewatch where Vic turns up.

I hate this character and the episodes he was in.

I can't imagine what they were thinking when the writers introduced this nonsense.

It's ridiculous how all the crew love him.

Terrible character. Almost ruined the show.

I'd have chosen 85% less Fontaine.

I'd have also chosen 70% fewer Ferengi.

Both of those add up to a drop in my overall rating of DS9.
Vic was awesome. I liked him. I thought he was really cool.

And he gave us one of the greatest eps ever, "It's Only A Paper Moon", so there's that. ;)

Hell, I even liked Mirror Vic. If he even was Vic.

(my headcanon is that wasn't Vic, it was Felix - the MU counterpart of Vic's programmer. In the prime timeline I see Felix as an overworked, underappreciated cubicle drone, but in the MU, he's a badass warrior.)
Haha yeah Mirror Vic was them just havin fun out there. No one even attempted to make any sense of it.
I could have done without the Dukat as evil mirror of Sisko plot. And, for that matter, the Dukat-Winn Romance. I liked to eat dinner while watching DS9 and that kinda ruined it.
Vic Fontaine, shining star of Deep Space Nine,
With his charm and style, he's truly divine.
A holographic crooner, he's one of a kind,
Bringing joy and warmth to our troubled minds.

In Quark's bar, he's the heart and soul,
Where troubles fade and spirits console.
With a voice that soothes, he sings the blues,
In his presence, all our worries defuse.

Vic Fontaine, friend to all who roam,
In a world of chaos, he feels like home.
A touch of class in a universe so vast,
His presence in DS9 forever shall last.

So here's to Vic, our beloved friend,
In every note, his essence transcends.
In the tapestry of Deep Space Nine's lore,
Vic Fontaine shines forevermore.

(Love from ChatGPT)
I’ve just noticed that the OP is a ‘guest’ and I can’t click on his profile. Is that something new? Never saw that before.
I remember thinking Vic was a fun addition to the show. I don't think I have any problem with any of the characters except Rom saying "Moogie!" and Leeta saying "Oh, Rom." My main problem with Trek I don't like is really just story. I think all the actors and characters are pretty good when they have something to do.
To me, Vic mostly was an unnecessary distraction and 'filler', though I'll agree that he sometimes was put to good use.
I agree with this, I never liked Vic. The bar was a useless location because it was inside Quark's which was already a bar the crew could hang out in and Vic as a character was so weird. He knew he was a hologram for example, what's the point of the 50s setting then when Vic knows he's not living in the 50s. And I hated the songs, I always fast forward through them.
As someone who watched Time Tunnel, I loved the addition of James Darren to DS9. Tony was my favorite Time Tunnel character.

I don't see a problem with a hologram knowing he's a hologram. There were several holodeck characters on TNG who knew they were holograms, and ditto for Voyager.

Why shouldn't Vic live in the 1950s if he wants? The world would be a boring place if nobody embraced cultural elements of the past.

As for Vic having a bar that some of the crew liked to visit, so what? Did Quark have a monopoly on entertainment/food/drink venues on the station? No. At least with Vic running a bar, it's not like he was being paid in real latinum. Quark still got paid for the use of the holodeck even if Vic was doing the actual work.

I'll admit I'm not into that kind of music. But at least James Darren can sing. Singers who can really sing are in short supply these days.

I'm not sure why they felt like they needed this character at all and so late in the run of the series. Don't get it. I was never a Vic fan. I don't think the character adds anything to the show. Season seven would have been just fine without him
It would have been boring without him. He broke up the godawful relentless Klingon/Bajoran/war soap opera that the show had fallen into.

Here’s some future ideas for threads that seem to be all-time favorites:
  • “Jadzia is a dull character. Discuss.”
  • “The Mirror Universe episodes suck. Discuss.”
  • “Keiko is a bitch and treats Miles horribly. Discuss.”
  • “Bajoran politics were booooring. Discuss.”
  • “Avery Brooks was a horrible actor. Discuss”
Sorta; he was actually more annoying than horrible.

I don't wonder. I know. Killing off Jadzia was a deplorable act in itself. Just replacing her right away was worse. Talk about trivializing a character's death!
I never liked Jadzia. Her best contribution was giving Worf an excuse to say "Nice hat."

Considering that one of the concerns that led to Ezri's appearance was that if Jadzia wasn't replaced then there'd be only one woman in the primary cast, I'm a little leery of discussing the idea of keeping Jadzia but in a reduced role if we're all just a bunch of men (which may or may not be the case). Which is to say, I think a female perspective on this could be valuable to the conversation.

In any case, I liked some of the refresh elements that came with Ezri's introduction, and I maintain that Jadzia never would have given Worf the reality check that Ezri did, so keeping her, or at least not introducing Ezri, would have robbed us of a great moment in late S7.
Okay, another female perspective: It's less important how many main female characters are than how interesting they are.

Here's an example: I've taken a deep dive into BBC Merlin fandom. There are two main female characters: Gwen and Morgana. After the third season Morgana is irredeemably evil, doing absolutely awful things and her default facial expression is a smirk. Gwen was interesting at first - imagine a Guinevere who was a blacksmith's daughter instead of the usual Arthurian ice queen we see in so many depictions. But later on she became chaotic - sometimes icy, sometimes so annoyingly self-righteous, and she had more guest characters executed than Uther Pendragon did.

Where this is going is that neither of these female characters appealed to me. I don't find either of them interesting enough to want to rewatch the episodes that are primarily about them, and I'm not interested in the fanfic about them, nor am I interested in writing about them myself. The female character in that show who does interest me was a guest character in two episodes, and that's Queen Annis. She's interesting and worth reading and writing about.

I always found Jadzia alternately boring, self-righteous, unbelievably ludicrous in how she managed to out-Klingon the Klingons, and I wasn't in the least bit unhappy when she was killed off.

Ezri? The premise was interesting - a joined Trill who didn't want to be joined. That's something they should have explored more, instead of playing it for laughs when Ezri gets all these emotional moments and feels she has to apologize for them. But ultimately Ezri failed to be interesting because she was just there to be Jadzia 2.0.

This female thinks 1) Terry got screwed over; 2) Ezri was a good character anyway; 3) NONE of 90s Trek had more than 2 women in the main cast. VOY had a female captain, but arguably she and Belanna were the main women until Seven showed up - I didn't watch a lot of VOY, but Kes always seemed a secondary character to me. DS9 *could* have used Kassidy or even Keiko more. TNG just had Troi and Crusher.
Ohgoodgrief. No. Kassidy wasn't interesting enough for me to care what happened to her, and Keiko was annoying in most of her episodes. The only time I liked her was when she faced off against Wynn over the school.

The number of women in a cast doesn't matter if they're not interesting, dynamic characters.
It would have been boring without him. He broke up the godawful relentless Klingon/Bajoran/war soap opera that the show had fallen into.

There's no knowing that one way or the other. Without Vic, they might have gone in a better direction than bringing in a hologram of a 1960s era human crooner.

On the other hand, if some sort of time anomaly brought James Darren from the 20th century into the future, that would have been more interesting. Instead, we get a hologram of a fictional personage that is basically just a James Darren styled crooner. :rolleyes: