Game DS9 Episode Pitch Game

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' started by Laura Cynthia Chambers, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. Tiran O'Saurus

    Tiran O'Saurus Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jan 25, 2024
    "T-Minus 40 Days" Sisko is called to Utopia Planitia Shipyards, his old command. The engineers there have constructed the U.S.S. Culmination, considered to be the ideal starship and one that will turn the tide of the war. It will launch in forty days. Unfortunately, the current commander of the shipyard has fallen ill, so Sisko will take his place during the final phase of construction. Sisko discovers several leaks about the Culmination to Dominion spies, and attempts to crack down on leaks and spies. After forty days, it's time for the launch of the Culmination, and Sisko realizes that the entire crew boarding the Culmination are actually Changelings! He tries to stop the launch, but it's too late. A Changeling sends a taunting message about how they've stolen the Culmination, but then it suddenly blows up. The ship was actually a giant barely functional trap designed to take out as many Changelings as possible, and Starfleet Intelligence didn't tell Sisko to increase realism.

    Next Episode- "Things That Go Bump In The Night"
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
  2. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Things That Go Bump In The Night" - Odo investigates after a series of intruder reports, in which no evidence is left behind of who's responsible. He's chasing his own tail, as the intruder is actually him, sleep-oozing in search of war intelligence. A different changeling infused him with a piece of themselves while brushing by him in a corridor, and is driving him at night like a spy drone. Meanwhile, Worf is jealous of Jadzia's new friend, a pet of another station dweller, who he mistakenly thinks is a man, not an animal.

    Next episode: "The Mule"
    Tiran O'Saurus likes this.
  3. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    The Mule

    After the success of the Alpha Quadrant Jem'Hadar, the Dominion decides to pilot an Alpha Quadrant Vorta prototype. Given the limited number of Founders now isolated in the Alpha Quadrant, the objective is to create a Vorta that, if necessary, can and will operate fully independently from the Founders. They are, however, significant risks in engineering a less obsequious, more stubborn mentality....

    Next episode: The Mark of Cain
  4. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto, ON
    "The Mule" - An Orion transporting goods in a run down Bajoran freighter is stopped by Odo. Not discovering any contraband, Odo lets him resume his journey. When the Orion is stopped a few days later by the Cardassians and sentenced for trafficking, Odo wonders what he missed during his search. Meanwhile, Bashir meets a laborer from the colony of New Sydney, a half-Vulcan human whose human side is part Augment, and discovers that her mind runs faster than even a Soong android, leading to more questions about her heritage that she does not want to answer. Her reluctance to answer Bashir’s questions is based out of fear it will jeopardize her pending marriage to a Vulcan she intends to start a family with, which will lead to a new breed of Vulcans with five times the strength of a human, instead of only three times the strength of a human as typical of Vulcans.

    Next episode – “The Vedek’s Daughter"

    edit: ninja'd!
  5. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    Next player can do both.
  6. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    The Mark of Cain

    Q returns to DS9 to out a fellow Q, who'd been in hiding there, after being responsible for executing one of their own. Q sentences him to an immortality of powerlessness, where no one could ever do him harm, so he could be tormented forever with his act. In the end, the guilty Q realizes that the ruling only prevents others from harming him, and chooses, as a loophole, to end his own existence.

    (I only had time for one. I'll pass the other on)
    Next Episode “The Vedek’s Daughter"
  7. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    “The Vedek’s Daughter"

    A young free-spirited Bajoran woman shows up, during an archeology conference and seems to be interested in Kira. Odo learns she is daughter of the late Vedek Bareil, from when he was quite young.

    Next Episode- "The Gagh of Wrath"
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  8. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    A portion of fresh Gagh delivered aboard DS9 for General Martok turns out to be poisoned. There are strong suspicions Gowron has something to do with it as he fears Martok's popularity, but nothing can conclusively be proven.

    (*Ideally, I would have this before Gowon is revealed to be a changeling, but unfortunately that cannot be done as the 'Gowron is a Changeling' subplot was resolved before Martok's introduction.)

    Next episode: A little Slumber.

    (taken from Proverbs 6:
    A little sleep, a little slumber,
    a little folding of the hands to rest—
    and poverty will come on you like a thief
    and scarcity like an armed man.)
  9. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto, ON
    "A Little Slumber" - When Sisko leads a training mission involving team of cadets on the Defiant in Bajoran space, they encounter an anomaly that requires them to be placed in stasis for less than a day. When they awake, they find themselves in the late 25th century. Sisko and the cadets have to figure out a way to get back to 24th century, all while dealing with the 25th century Bajorans that are happy their Emissary has returned after what is described as “a century of turbulence” and want him to stay.

    Next episode – "Clayface"
  10. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006

    The Defiant is on a survey mission, looking for a secret Dominion lab, when Odo feels a presence emanating from a star system home to a pre-warp civilization. Close scans show that one of the hundred has been living among the natives, living as a supervillain and terrorizing a city. Odo wants to make contact without breaking the prime directive.

    Next episode- "Dies Irae"
  11. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Dies Irae" - Jake Sisko has a troubling dream that points to a terrible attack imminent, but every time he tries to warn someone, he is stricken mute, ignored, dismissed, or something else distracts the person he's telling. Panicking, he tries to get somebody to listen to him. He is then approached by a mysterious person who warns him that nobody can know, for reasons that the event must happen. He learns that other youth on the station are experiencing similar visions and dismissals and they unite to stop it, if they can. It turns out that the whole incident is a morality test, designed to determine the mettle and capabilities of the children of the station.

    Next episode: "Fathoms"
  12. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto, ON
    "Fathoms" - To evade a Breen warship, the Defiant hides in the atmosphere of a gas giant. The crew must survive the barrage of depth charges the Breen ship throws at them over the next several hours, which eventually forces them to descend even further into the gas giant to escape the depth charges - at the risk of crushing the whole ship.

    Meanwhile, when Brunt visits DS9 with his children, Quark and Rom welcome them with open arms when they show more interest in their respective lines of work than Brunt’s.

    Next episode – “At Arm’s Length”
  13. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    “At Arm’s Length”

    Worf struggles when Martok orders the execution of a Klingon who was accused of aiding the enemy in battle. He happens to be Kurn. Ezri joins a gathering of Trill artists on the promenade, only to see Jadzia's sister among them.

    Next episode- "Carpe Diem Cras"
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  14. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "Carpe Diem Cras" - Sisko and Kira wait with bated breath for an imminent attack rumored to be in the works, which will hopefully return control of a strategic planet to its colonists. Meanwhile, Miles O'Brien and Odo follow a trail of unfinished repairs and finds a requisitions clerk who's seizing needed parts and selling them on the black market.

    Next episode: "Malignancy"
  15. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007

    Garek's past comes back to haunt him, when the last few of an ousted Cardassian faction, who he helped to dismantle many years earlier, comes looking for revenge against him. Some of the painful truths revealed paint an ugly picture of the man Garek had once been, and it is left to Odo, who'd managed to suss out what had been going on, to offer him a chance at redemption.

    Next Episode: The Only Son of Honor
  16. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    "The Only Son of Honor" - Worf comes to the aid of a Klingon, C'Rhegh, who is deliberately taking the fall for the crimes of his brother, Saj'Es, after the latter betrayed his fellow warriors to the enemy. C'Rhegh took the blame as he had done since childhood, always covering for his brother's mistakes. Saj'Es has a wife and daughter, while C'Rhegh has no one, so he did it for their sake. Meanwhile, a customer at Quark's takes a shine to Molly O'Brien, believing the girl is his lucky charm after he wins at dabo when she touches his shoe while retrieving a dropped toy, and demands her presence while he plays.

    Next episode: "With My Compliments"
    FederationHistorian likes this.
  17. FederationHistorian

    FederationHistorian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 6, 2020
    Toronto, ON
    "With My Compliments" - Quark and Rom attend a trade show on a Nausicaan starbase, to sell an alcoholic beverage they created. They quickly become the main attraction, which stirs the attention of the Nausicaan Trade Authority, who are in currently embroiled in a dispute with the Grand Nagus.

    Meanwhile, the lower deckers of DS9 offer advice to the senior staff when they run into obstacles with day-to-day tasks that are giving them more trouble than they are used to experiencing.

    Next episode - “Private Equity”
  18. Laura Cynthia Chambers

    Laura Cynthia Chambers Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 1, 2016
    “Private Equity” - Julian Bashir receives an invitation to join an exclusive order of individuals, but is baffled when he finds that an old friend who most assuredly would not qualify, given the standards prospective members must meet, is also nominated. She somehow obtained an invite for the purpose of espionage. When his friend is killed, and gives him her dossier, Julian decides to continue where she left off and investigate the group, who are rumored to be a front for recruiting double agents. Meanwhile, Quark tries to sell shares in his bar to his favorite clients, only to learn that they were acting as agents for an old school enemy who wants to ruin him by buying the majority of his interests and kicking him out.

    Next episode: "Worm's Eye View"
    kkt and FederationHistorian like this.
  19. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    "Worm's Eye View"

    Q decides to watch the people of DS9 and gets bored. He spies Miles having a pint before going home and decides to snap. Miles turns into a Cardassian worm. All hell breaks loose when a cloaked Cardassian ship and Lwaxana Troi shows up just as an ion storm enters the Bajoran system. Miles watches from the below, as he scurries all over the station trying to save the day, as he watches his friends and family going through crisis after crisis and drama, not realizing Miles was among them.

    Next Episode: "The Ballad"
  20. Bad Thoughts

    Bad Thoughts Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 19, 2013
    Bad Thoughts

    Quark tries to get in the crew's good graces by creating a holodeck program of Kor's final poem, a 2000-stanza work that is believed to be semi-autobiographical. The poem details his meeting with Kirk and his battles against the Federation and Romulans, which bring up hurt feelings on thr station. However, two facts cause controversy: that he may have been in love with Curzon and that he secretly met with the Dominion, where he was offered the throne to the empire should he overthrow Gowron. Rom attempts to write a song for his wedding anniversary.

    Next Episode: "Luckiest Man on the Face of the Earth"

    (It's a baseball reference. Don't feel tied to baseball though. )
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2024